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Branding your Notary business with the right name

Branding your Notary business with the right name

If you have your own Notary business — or are considering starting one — coming up with a memorable, professional name can help customers find and remember you.

Notaries Updated On The State Of eNotarization

Notaries Updated On The State Of eNotarization

The NNA’s Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Bill Anderson, earlier this month spoke at an event in Maryland attended by more than 100 Notaries on the current state of electronic notarization addressing how it works, the laws governing electronic transactions, where it’s going, and more.

WWYD: The Case Of The Unidentifiable Signer-Your Answers

WWYD: The Case Of The Unidentifiable Signer-Your Answers

Last month, we posed the scenario of the Unidentifiable Signer, in which a nicely dressed woman provided an ID with a photo that didn’t bear much resemblance to the person in front of you. Our Facebook Community provided great answers,

Mortgage Bankers Forecast 7-Percent Lending Growth For 2015

Mortgage Bankers Forecast 7-Percent Lending Growth For 2015

The Mortgage Bankers Association predicts that total home mortgage lending will increase 7 percent in 2015, driven largely by a sharp rise on new purchase loans. For Notary signing agents who rely on mortgage refinance assignments, the news isn’t so rosy. The MBA anticipates that refi activity will drop by 3 percent, according to the association’s October Mortgage Finance Forecast.
