Michael Lewis
Existing home sales rose 13 percent in May compared to the same month a year ago. This is welcome news for builders, realtors, lenders and Notaries who have suffered through a lengthy recession.

David Thun
Some Notary Signing Agents have been asked to sign and affix their seals to a statement called a “Notary Identity Certification.” Be careful how you complete these forms — the document generally contains flaws that can trip a Signing Agent up.

NNA Staff
Will I still be covered years after my current policy ends, if I happen to be called into court in the future for a notarization I performed years ago?
Michael Lewis
Mortgage refinance activity is down 36 percent from its peak in May, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association — a trend fueled largely by a hefty jump in interest rates.

Vicki Gardner
With a raft of new regulations from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and other federal agencies putting lenders, mortgage servicers and their contractors under very stringent requirements, the work of NSAs is “just beginning.”

Moses Keshishian
75 percent of all Notaries use social media; what is surprising is how few Notaries are using it to grow their small businesses.

NNA Staff
With the recent tornado devastating portions of Oklahoma and the continued threat of other natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes in other parts of the nation, are there ways that Notaries can protect themselves and better assist others?

Kelle Clarke
Because of her tireless efforts to champion Notary recordkeeping and education requirements, and her unswerving commitment to protecting the strength and professionalism of the Notary Public office, the National Notary Association is proud to have selected Montana Secretary of State McCulloch as recipient of the NNA’s 2013 March Fong Eu Achievement award.
Kelle Clarke
Immigration reform legislation being debated by Congress could, if passed, create a new pool of three million homebuyers who would generate more than $500 billion dollars in potential real estate and property sales.

David Thun
You know how to use your seal and journal of notarial acts, but what happens if someone asks to borrow them? What do you do with them when traveling, and what steps must be followed when they are obsolete? Take our quiz and test your knowledge of caring for tools of your office.