NNA Staff
Privacy is a crucial part of healthcare, but confidential patient information is highly vulnerable to breaches if left unguarded — as seen last year in Miami where a smartphone was used to steal patient information from a hospital.

NNA Staff
While it’s possible to notarize a document written in a foreign language, it’s very important to take steps to ensure you aren’t being misled about the document’s content or the signer’s intentions before you proceed.
NNA Staff
Notaries working at hospitals and doctor’s offices also need to be careful not to leave important work tools in their vehicles during the day, as thieves target parked vehicles at healthcare facilities, looking for valuable medical items to steal.
NNA Staff
Despite the massive damage Superstorm Sandy caused on the East Coast, it didn’t stop healthcare employment from increasing by 20,000 jobs nationwide in November 2012.
NNA Staff
Recent reports from California found more cases this year of identity thieves who use stolen identities to pose as doctors and other healthcare workers.
NNA Staff
With more people seeking healthcare services using false names and identities, hospitals are adding security features to verify patient identity, including palm print readers and photographing patients. While some observers see this as a necessary safeguard, others fear it’s a violation of patient privacy.

NNA Staff
One of the toughest situations you can face is being asked to notarize a document in support of something that goes against your beliefs.
NNA Staff
In an effort to protect elderly medical patients from identity theft, members of Congress are calling for a halt to the use of a Social Security number as an ID number on Medicare cards.
Mark Miller
If you or a loved one has dementia, it may not be too late to sign a will or other documents, but certain criteria must be met to ensure that the signer is mentally competent.
NNA Staff
Despite high unemployment, half of all healthcare workers remain confident in their ability to find jobs in a tough market, according to survey data recently released by Randstad Healthcare.