Michael Lewis
on August 13, 2015
Notary signing agents who prepare for the new Closing Disclosure by completing the NNA’s Continuing Education Course will get preferred status to receive loan-signing assignments from Boston National Title, a senior company executive said.
David Thun
on August 13, 2015
Your first notarization is often the hardest. Get helpful advice from seasoned Notaries who look back on their first assignments.
Michael Lewis
on August 13, 2015
The CFPB is now endorsing the use of electronic mortgage closings. Learn how this new technology can improve the borrower experience.
Kelle Clarke
on August 13, 2015
There are a number of notarial acts, but signers do not always know which type they need. Understand the common types of notarization with this guide.
David Thun
on August 05, 2015
Diversity can lead to more business for Notaries. Those with diverse business certifications should update their NSA profiles to reflect such designations.
Kelle Clarke
on August 05, 2015
The smallest mistake on a Notary certificate can lead to major problems, such as rejection of the documents. Learn how to avoid common certificate errors.
Daniel Lewis
on August 05, 2015
It’s a Notary’s job to help protect people from fraud. But Notaries must also protect themselves from scams. Learn how to avoid common fraud schemes.
Kelle Clarke
on August 05, 2015
What would you do if someone asked you to notarize an egg donor contract containing only the donor’s first name to maintain anonymity?