Michael Lewis
A steep drop in refinance activity next year is expected to reduce overall mortgage lending by as much as 32 percent, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

David Thun
To meet growing demand for qualified Notaries, ValuEscrow, Inc. has joined other companies in seeking out NNA-trained individuals to join their networks of Notaries handling loan signings.

David Thun
Steven Axner was taken aback when he arrived at a loan signing near his home and found another Notary already there.

David Thun
Title Source, Inc. and ValuAmerica are actively seeking Signing Agents certified by the NNA to join their networks of Notaries handling loan-signing assignments.

Michael Lewis
The Certified Signing Specialist Standards announced last week by the Signing Professionals Workgroup have generated considerable discussion, and one of the more talked-about components is the annual background screening.

Kelle Clarke
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) last week issued an alert informing banks and financial institutions that they must create and implement an oversight and risk management plan for supervising all of their third party service providers — such as title companies and the vendors they hire.

David Thun, Updated October 23, 2024
Here's a look at Notaries who have played significant roles in some important events from history.

David Thun
Pennsylvania has enacted major updates to its Notary laws, including a new education and seal requirement as well as guidelines for when a Notary may refuse to perform a notarial act.

Kelle Clarke
Last week we posed a scenario, The Case of the Soccer Mom’s Missing ID, about a Notary who was approached by a fellow soccer mom who lacked ID but needed a document notarized. The question is: Would you reject the notarization and risk losing your customers’ future business, or is there a way to perform the notarization that is within the law?

Michael Lewis
A special committee of executives from major lenders and title companies has announced a new set of standards for signing agents. The group, called the Signing Professionals Workgroup, introduced the standards at the Mortgage Bankers Association’s 100th Annual Convention in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.