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FAQ: Notarizing Proof Of Life documents

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Updated 5-30-23. Many Notaries have asked about foreign "Proof of Life" documents that require notarizations not allowed in many U.S. jurisdictions. Here are answers to frequently asked questions that come up with these documents.

What is a Proof of Life document?

A “Proof of Life” document or “Life Certificate” is a form used by foreign governments and institutions to qualify pensioners and other beneficiaries living abroad for financial benefits. These forms often include instructions that the document must be presented to a Notary, and sometimes ask the Notary to certify that the person named in the document is currently living.

Can I notarize a Proof Of Life document?

Not always. It depends on what it’s asking you to do and the state you are commissioned in. Some proof of life documents simply require the individual named in the document to have their signature notarized with a standard act such as a jurat. If this is the case, you may notarize the signature on the document.

However, if the document asks you to certify that the signer is currently alive, chances are your state law doesn't permit Notaries to do that. Washington state is an exception, because Washington Notaries are permitted to certify that an event has occurred or an act has been performed — the "event" in this case being that the pensioner is alive on a certain day. Notaries in Louisiana and Puerto Rico, who have broader authority and legal powers than Notaries in other jurisdictions, also may certify a signer’s status on a life certificate.

Alabama and Florida civil law Notaries, who are also attorneys, are authorized to certify a signer's living status on proof of life documents, but Notaries with regular Notary commissions in these states may not do so.

Other proof of life forms may ask for a "signature witnessing" where the Notary certifies the document was signed by an identified individual in the Notary's presence. The following jurisdictions authorize Notaries to perform signature witnessings: Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Recently, Notaries have contacted the NNA Hotline asking about proof of life documents in which the signer asks the Notary to sign and affix a seal to a document lacking any certificate wording. Except in the state of Michigan, Notaries should not accept these requests. A Notary cannot just stamp and sign a document without a notarial certificate, though many people mistakenly make this request. California prohibits Notaries from affixing their seals and signatures to a document without completing a certificate. Texas permits its Notaries to refuse a request if the Notary is not familiar with the type of notarization requested. 

Alternatives for Proof Of Life documents

If you are unable to perform a notarization for a proof of life document, the signer may be able to have the document notarized at an embassy or consulate of the issuing nation instead. Consular officers are normally authorized to notarize documents related to their home nation.

David Thun is an Associate Editor at the National Notary Association.

Related Articles:

Notarizing documents from other countries

View All: Best Practices


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14 Aug 2017

Interesting read. I cam across a quitclaim deed the other day where the notary certificate on the document was asking the notary to certify certain provisions in the document. To be on the safe side, I chose simply to cross that part out and only notarize the signatures. The person said that they had the form drawn up by their attorney, but I didn't believe them. I figured if that was the case, then the attorney would just notarize it (since attorneys can also act as notaries). Glad I listened to my gut!

Wendy Anderson

15 Aug 2017

Can the state of California attach an Acknowledgement? Or only a Jurat if it states it?

National Notary Association

16 Aug 2017

Hello. A California Notary may complete and attach a separate notarial certificate if the document lacks the correct pre-printed notarial wording. However, some agencies do not always accept attached notarial certificates. You should ask the signer if there are any special instructions from the receiving agency regarding attaching a notarial certificate to the document. If they will not accept an attached certificate, the signer should ask what alternative procedure the receiving agency will accept that is legal under CA Notary law.

Dale Michelson

15 Aug 2017

Good article

Dale Michelson

15 Aug 2017

Why are you covering the text in this article?

National Notary Association

16 Aug 2017

Hi Dale. We're sorry, we're not clear what issue is you are experiencing from your question. If you're having technical problems viewing an article, please contact us at with the type of device you're using, the name of the article and a description of the problem you're having and we'll try to help you resolve the issue.

Jodith Allen

14 Dec 2017

One thing you didn't mention, since these are usually going to a foreign country, is the need for an Apostille. I do these certificates on a regular basis and always help with the Apostille side of it as well.


17 Apr 2018

I want to know that what all are the documents to be submitted to family pensioners once a year .

National Notary Association

18 Apr 2018

Hello. We're sorry, but we do not have that information. You may wish to contact a consulate or embassy of the appropriate country to see if they can answer your questions.

Ronald D. Hall

13 Aug 2018

Does Arkansas address this situation?

National Notary Association

15 Aug 2018

Hello. Arkansas does not authorize its Notaries to certify whether or not a signer is alive. However, if presented with a document that simply requires an acknowledgment or jurat, an Arkansas Notary may perform the notarization as long as the request meets all requirements of state law.

Shain Nelson

13 Aug 2018

Great article I come across these foreign documents regularly pension verifications to proof if person is alive but it's the wording is a bit vague such as to certify and complete the whole document with specific ID information I know as notaries we don't complete documents except notarize a completed document I refer clients to their consulate office. I had clients tell some odd things such as how they got these documents few times they had stated they just printed online or they just typed themselves and what would appear like they made additional copies of previous documents sometimes it's also written it foreign language that's hard to differentiate clients do not always provide correct information just to be on the safe side follow the state laws and check with NNA


14 Aug 2018

Is an attorney licensed to practice law in Florida who is also a Florida Notary Public authorized to notarize a proof of life document?

National Notary Association

15 Aug 2018

Hello. Florida civil law Notaries, who are also attorneys, are authorized to certify a signer's living status on proof of life documents, but Notaries with regular Notary commissions in Florida may not do so.

Tanjida Islam

31 May 2019

I came across a Life certificate that requires a bank seal, will that be the same as notarizing?

National Notary Association

31 May 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Vadim Khazin

12 Aug 2019

I've already asked this question but have not received a clear response; trying again: Being a translator (and also a notary), I encounter a situation when I ask another notary to notarize my translation from English, and they refuse to do this because they "do not understand what is written in the document". Do they really need to understand it? Aren't they/we just confirm the identity of the signer who presents his/her ID - my ID in this case?

National Notary Association

12 Aug 2019

Hello. A Notary cannot certify the accuracy of a translation. However, if you (acting in your role as a translator) wrote a statement attesting that the translation is accurate and signed it, the Notary could notarize your signature on your statement.


14 Jan 2020

Assuming that obtaining this certificate from the foreign Embassy or Consulate is not an option, where else can this certificate be obtained from?

Veronica Rosaura Przewoznik

17 Jul 2020

Just to be sure I understood correctly. In Florida when asked for a proof of life what I am not allowed as a notary is to certify the status, right? If the form is a jurat where a witness is certifying the status of life of a third person, I understand I could take the oath, following the state law requirements.Please advise if that is correct. Thank you!!

National Notary Association

17 Jul 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


04 Aug 2020

When my husband got a letter from a previous employer that was written in Italian we had to bring it to a translator who converted the wording into English so we could have it Apostilled for use here in (reciprocity) the United States. This was done on a Translation certificate. These can be good certificates to have on hand as a notary.

Lorene Hagan

14 Sep 2020

I work in a senior living facility in Florida that has a dozen or so Holocaust survivors. They all receive a recompense from either Poland or Germany and each year a Life Certificate is sent to verify that they are still living. I also have some retired teachers that receive the same type of certificate for their pensions. If I read the article correctly, Florida notaries may not be permitted to do this. I have checked in my Florida notary primer handbook and did not find clarification that we are or are not allowed to do this. Can you verify for me whether or not we should do this. There are 2 other notaries on my campus who are doing the same thing as I am so it is important to know if we are doing the right thing.

National Notary Association

14 Sep 2020

Hello Lorene. It depends on what type of notarization you are being asked to perform. If you are being asked to simply perform a standard acknowledgment or jurat for the signature of one of the recipients, there is no issue with that. However, if you are being asked in your role as a Notary to perform an act Florida Notaries are not authorized to perform (such as certifying as a Notary that the person is alive), then you would not be able to perform the notarization. If you would like to speak to one of our Hotline counselors for additional assistance with this matter, you can contact them at or by phone at 1-888-876-0827.

Elvira Niles

15 Nov 2020

This mess happens when the foreign issuer decides to change a form that works and tries to translate his/her understanding of the language and law of a foreign country without checking the mess they are creating. I am stuck at home disabled and Covid19 hiding plus 86 years of age. Shame on them, shame on them, shame on them. Up until now I had no problem.

08 Jan 2021

Is an attorney licensed to practice law in Iowa who is also a Iowa Notary Public authorized to notarize a proof of life document? Can a Notary Public in Iowa notarize a proof of life document?

National Notary Association

15 Jan 2021

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

05 Jul 2021

This article needs to cover more information in greater detail for example for use in a foreign country where these documents will be used an appostile or authentication from your state’s Secretary of State will be need. However, some embassy and counsulates also require a authentication from the US State department BEFORE it’s sent to the embassy or counsulate. The procedure can take 2 months. Also since the Huston Chinese counsulate generals office was closed and their members ordered out of the country all of the states that were taken care of by Huston are now under the Chinese Embassy which adds the need for a us state department authentication. Check which paper work you need carefully.


22 Jun 2022

My adult son is an adult US citizen born overseas. For a variety of reasons, I was unable to get his social security number while he was a child, so we returned to the USA so he could start university and living in the USA as a US citizen. We applied for his social security number at the Social Security office in San Diego, with his US passport and birth certificate and they denied his application, stating we must provide "proof of existence" for every five years of his life, since birth. There is no law or guidance stating this on social security's website, so the "proof of existence" has no known legal basis. This is something they allegedly "made up" because of all the fraudulent social security applications, but it's being used to deny a US Citizen born overseas of his constitutional rights. They further threatened that at their sole discretion, they may arbitrarily require further documentary evidence for EVERY year of his life. If we don't provide proof of existence, they will never issue him a social security number, denying him his constitutional right to live and work in the USA. Has any ever heard of anything this insane? A simple application for social security has turned into a violation of a US citizen's constitutional rights to live, attend school, and work in his own home country?

Mrs Q

27 Jun 2022

Question, what is the provision of law that prevents a notary public to certify that the person presented before them is the one pictured in their foreign passport?

National Notary Association

28 Jun 2022

Hello. To help us answer your question, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


31 Aug 2022

Can a notary in Virginia certify proof of life

National Notary Association

09 Sep 2022

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Mark Kloer

14 Dec 2022

Just an FYI, No Attorney or judge is licensed, they are a member only of the BAR. You're welcome. Dayna14 Aug 2018 Is an attorney licensed to practice law in Florida who is also a Florida Notary Public authorized to notarize a proof of life document?

Nadia Mash

30 Jan 2023

Does the state of Tennessee address this?

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2023

Hello. No, Tennessee does not address proof of life documents in its Notary rules.

Jay Rarick

30 Jan 2023

I am not sure if Virginia is exceptional or unexceptional but I seldom hear how various questions raised are handled there. How does Virginia handle "proof of life" notarization requests?

National Notary Association

30 Jan 2023

Hello. Since Virginia does not authorize certifying a signer's status as alive or permit Notaries to perform signature witnessings, a Virginia Notary would not be able to accept those requests for a proof of life document. It would depend on what type of notarization the customer requested.


06 Feb 2023

After reading this, I assume NY is not allowing its Notary Publics to notarize PROOF OF LIFE Documents, am I correct?

National Notary Association

08 Feb 2023

Hello. It would depend on the type of notarization requested for the document. If the customer wished a signature acknowledged, for example, a New York Notary is authorized to take acknowledgments. However, if the customer wished you to certify that the signer is alive or not, that is an act New York Notaries are not authorized to perform.


06 Feb 2023

I was told at my notary class when renewing that it is ok to use my perforated embosser which has my name and notary number on it, but not my stamp. Is this correct? I am in CA.

National Notary Association

08 Feb 2023

Hello. “The seal of every notary public shall be affixed by a seal press or stamp that will print or emboss a seal which legibly reproduces under photographic methods the required elements of the seal” (GC 8207). “A serrated or milled edged border” must surround all of the components below (GC 8207). A California Notary Public’s official seal must contain (GC 8207): 1. Name of Notary; 2. California state seal; 3. “Notary Public”; 4. Name of county where Notary’s oath and bond are filed; 5. Commission expiration date; 6. Notary commission number; 7. Seal manufacturer identification number.

Beverly W.

08 Feb 2023

As a Florida notary, I receive requests for Proof of Life quite often. If I put a notary certificate on or attached to the document, I am only notarizing their signature, not directly certifying that they are alive. Is this acceptable?

National Notary Association

13 Feb 2023

Hello. You may attach and complete an appropriate notarial certificate only for an authorized notarial act requested by a signer. For example, if the signer requests an acknowledgment of a signature, you may perform the notarization and complete and attach acknowledgment certificate wording. You may not attach a certificate to perform a notarial act that isn't authorized in your state.

William Bell

23 Jun 2023

How can I get my proof of life

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2023

Hello. It is not a Notary's responsibility to provide customers with a proof of life document. If you need a proof of life document for benefits provided by a foreign country, we would suggest contacting a consulate or embassy of that country to request assistance.

Susan Weyer

05 Sep 2023

Hello. Does Nevada allow proof-of-life (alive on this day) notarial acts [from India]? Thank you.

National Notary Association

05 Sep 2023

Hello. It would depend on what type of notarial act the signer is requesting you to perform on the document. Nevada Notaries are not authorized to certify that a signer is currently alive. Please see here for more details:

J.Eden Alexander

10 Nov 2023

what is the actual format or form in which such a life certificate issued by the notary public is used

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2023

Hello. "Proof of life" documents can take many different forms, depending on the country they are issued from, and do not always require the same type of notarial act.

Jayampathy Dharmasena Ranaweera

16 Nov 2023

Once a Notary working at Post Office at Pflugerville,Certified my Life Certificates Stating I Am Living! PL HELP ME WITH HIS NAME PLEASE!!!

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2023

Hello. We're sorry, but you would need to contact either the post office or your state Notary-regulating agency to request if that information is available.

28 Nov 2023

This article is kind of confusing for this Montana Notary. In our loose certifcates, we have a Certificate in there for Certifying Life. But it does prompt me to review MT Notary Laws on this subject.

Douglas L Jackson

12 Jan 2024

I did not see the state of Virginia mentioned. Does Va. allow notarization of Proof of Life?

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2024

Hello. Only if the type of notarization requested is one that Virginia Notaries are authorized to perform. Different "Proof of Life" documents may have different notarization requests.


19 Jan 2024

Hello, Regarding "proof of life" documents, what is the exception for Michigan: "Recently, Notaries have contacted the NNA Hotline asking about proof of life documents in which the signer asks the Notary to sign and affix a seal to a document lacking any certificate wording. Except in the state of Michigan, Notaries should not accept these requests. A Notary cannot just stamp and sign a document without a notarial certificate, though many people mistakenly make this request." Your elaboration is appreciated! Jeffrey

National Notary Association

19 Jan 2024

Hello. Michigan does not require its Notaries to use an official seal of office.

Nicole Townes

12 Feb 2024

This has raised some very valuable and interesting points! Please keep these best practice tips coming. I feel armed and informed when I get the knowledge from these shares.


14 Feb 2024

Hello, A persons power of attorney has presented a form from a CA pension program that is a proof of life form. Can a CA notary notarize this form if the POA signs on behalf of the person?

National Notary Association

15 Feb 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

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