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Score Notary Signing Assignments Like A Pro


From Hayden Lake, Idaho, to Jupiter, Florida, new Notary signing agents are asking the same question: “How do I get loan-signing assignments with no experience?”

Breaking into the NSA business can be quite frustrating, especially if you have not had experience conducting real estate and mortgage assignments. Self-help expert, author and life coach Tony Robbins once said, “Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” With that in mind, here are just 5 ways you can get those first signing assignments with little to no experience:

  1. Create a strong profile on

    Use your profile to emphasize your strengths like being professional, detail oriented, having high standards, etc. Highlight what is known as non-obvious experience such as strong interpersonal skills, familiarity with the local area, different languages you speak, the understanding of the importance of deadlines, reliability, a positive attitude, focus driven, etc., can really make a difference between your skills and others. These traits can mean the difference between a struggling business and a thriving Notary business.
  2. Network with other Notaries.

    In my early days as an NSA, I received numerous referrals from other Notaries who helped mentor me. Notaries that network with each other tend to refer assignments to Notaries they know and trust to do an outstanding job. Those referral assignments add up to excellent experience.
  3. Make a list of your ‘dream customers’.

    Once your list is made, set up a strategy to help you get noticed as a professional. You can do this by conducting a survey, conducting a signing for them at a reduced cost, and/or connect on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter. Seek out their scheduling manager and connect with them as well. Check out what they are posting, and respond to them in a professional manner.
  4. Invest in yourself.

    This does not necessarily mean you have to spend money. You can invest in yourself by reading books about growing your business. That could include books about marketing, making a business plan and understanding budgets. Listen to CDs on developing the right business mindset. You can also take free workshops given by the Small Business Administration on how to put together a budget. All these things will help you when you are in direct contact with potential clients. You will look more appealing to potential clients because you will have a clearer understanding of your business field. Business people want to work with other business people.
  5. Organize a community event.

    In the early part of my career as a Notary Signing Agent I would organize community projects with potential customers such as banks and title companies. I would approach a bank, for example, and ask if they were interested in co-sponsoring a “How to Qualify for your First Home Loan” or “What are the Steps to Refinance Your Home” seminar. The bank representative would supply the location and actually facilitate the workshop. I would supply a social media campaign to drive the potential clients into the workshop. This strategy worked well with establishing a relationship with potential clients. Just recently, a group of Notaries and I organized a Shred Day with a local bank and received several referrals from them since.

Remember these suggestions are steps to follow after you have attended a training course, passed a certification test, been background checked, have the proper amount of errors and omission insurance, and have complied with all state and federal guidelines. No matter your location, sound business practices like these will build the business of your dreams.

Daniel Lewis of Carmel, Indiana, is the founder of Lewis Notary Services Inc., a nationwide mobile service. He also teaches Notary best practices and is the NNA 2010 Notary of The Year.


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Laura Biewer

22 Jun 2015

Daniel, as usual, stellar advice on how to get started! I could not have said it better myself.

Mary Pugh

22 Jun 2015

Excellent suggestions!!


22 Jun 2015

Really love these suggestions!

Michelle Willis

22 Jun 2015

That was so informative for me being that I'm a new signing agent who didn't have a clue on how to get business and feeling as though I've wasted my time and more importantly my money! Thank you!

Julie Brickley

26 Jun 2015

Love the idea about organizing an event! Need to get those creative wheels turning. Thanks.

Kathleen Jones

04 Oct 2020

Great support and suggestions.

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