Michael Lewis
Financially strapped homeowners in need of mortgage relief are getting more time to take advantage of the federal government’s HAMP and HARP initiatives. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew recently announced that both programs are being extended for a second time — until December 31, 2016.

David Thun
A major revision of South Carolina notarial statutes based in part on the NNA’s Model Notary Act allows Notaries to charge higher fees for their services, provides clear guidelines for identifying document signers, defines various notarial acts and much more.

Kelle Clarke
After a rocky first quarter of 2014, the housing market rebounded in May with increased sales reported nationwide for both new and existing homes.

Kelle Clarke
Most people who attended NNA 2014 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, were looking for ways to advance their careers. But veteran Mike Tillotson came in the hopes of finding a new way to help homeless and needy veterans by taking advantage of the complimentary one-day Conference pass for veterans, sponsored by the National Notary Foundation.