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Signing Agent Tip: How to get more assignments as ‘Snapdocs Verified’

How to get more SnapDocs assignments

More than 50,000 mortgage signings are ordered via Snapdocs every month, and Notary Signing Agents in our network can gain a competitive advantage by becoming “Snapdocs Verified”. In fact, Verified NSAs on average get five times more assignments through us than other NSAs.

All that is required to achieve Verified status is uploading 4 pieces of information to our secure platform (documents are transmitted over https and stored in an encrypted state):

  1. Identity verification via a driver’s license
  2. Notary commission
  3. Background check report
  4. Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance policy

For NSAs who are NNA Certified, you will still need to upload all 4 pieces of information. However, we encourage you to make sure you sync your NNA information with Snapdocs.

Companies we work with have the option of customizing their criteria for being Snapdocs Verified by requiring NNA Certification. For those companies, only NNA Certified NSAs who have uploaded the required information mentioned above would show up as Verified.

Creating credibility

Snapdocs Verified status lends immediate credibility and creates trust among title companies that can be confident that they’re complying with industry standards (like the American Land Title Association’s Best Practice Pillar 4) and minimizing risk by working with these distinguished Notaries.

Snapdocs Verified NSAs hold a higher standing in our online database. The designation is valuable because it’s determined by an authority, confirms that additional security requirements have been met and elevates the Notary’s status in the eyes of title companies and signing services. In addition, it gives NSAs an automatic advantage in winning business.

Automatic assignments

As of last fall, Snapdocs made it possible for title companies to auto-assign orders based on Notary verification, experience and reviews. Many of the biggest title companies utilizing Snapdocs are already taking advantage of the function; fully half of these Snapdocs orders are automatically filled.

Both Snapdocs Verified and non-verified Notaries are contacted for these orders, but only Snapdocs Verified Notaries can be automatically assigned if they reply that they are available. If no Snapdocs Verified Notaries indicate that they are available, the scheduler can then select from all non-verified Notaries who have expressed interest.

If you're a new Notary on Snapdocs, becoming Snapdocs Verified is a great way to begin grabbing orders.

In just a few months, the auto-assign function has been adopted by five major title companies. And the fact that only two in five active Notaries in the Snapdocs database are Snapdocs Verified means there’s ample opportunity for unverified Notaries to undergo the simple 4-step verification process and get a leg up on their competition.

Aaron King is the founder and CEO of Snapdocs Inc., a modern technology platform that simplifies mortgage loan closings.

Related Articles:

Finding general Notary work

Additional Resources:

Signing Agent Tools

Signing Agent Certification


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Bruce Hess

13 Mar 2017

Snapdocs verify

Bruce R Hess

13 Mar 2017

Snapdocs verfiy

13 Mar 2017

Snapdocs verified


13 Mar 2017

Why is the NNA promoting a platform that encourages lower fees to the notary?

Jill Cadwell

24 Mar 2017

I've been snapdocs verified for over 8mons now and I continually state available on assignments to which I never get! Can anyone give me any suggestions as to why this is happening or how to fix it? Thank you for your time.

Naza Herman

03 Apr 2017

Snapdocs verified

12 Dec 2017

I am snap doc verified . I have all credentials requested completed. How come I never get any work from you all. I noticed another notary in my town having triple my signings. I am professional, dependable and usually always available . Wondering why such difference in my closings

Alexis Carter

09 Feb 2018

What background screening company can I use to get verified besides NNA.

Adeline Eyanson

19 Feb 2018

I would like to get a Signing assigning.

17 Aug 2018

Alexis Carter, give NNA a call and they will give you all the information as to how to get a background check completed. I had mine completed before i contacted them and now I have to pay for one with them. So check with them and get the correct information you need. Good luck.

Georgina Ambrose

16 Jul 2024

I am Snapdoc verified NSA

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