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When to use a separate (or loose) Notary certificate

A person using a stapler on white sheets of paper.

Updated 8-5-24. A core part of a notarization is filling out the notarial certificate — details such as the date, location and signer for the notarial act taking place. If this wording is not printed on the document, you may need to attach a separate certificate form — referred to by some as a “loose certificate." Here are guidelines for when to use or not to use separate certificate wording for a notarization.

When to attach a certificate form

You may need to attach a certificate form to a document in the following circumstances:

When the document contains no certificate wording: This is the most obvious case, since the requirement for Notaries to complete a certificate for each notarization is virtually universal.

Michigan is a special case — it repealed its statutory certificates and instead requires the Notary ​to add certain specified information after signing a document.

Maryland previously prohibited Notaries from adding ​a notarial certificate to a document if it didn’t already exist, but that prohibition was removed effective October 1, 2020, under a new state law ​that requires a Notary to complete a certificate of notarial act for every notarization.  

When the certificate does not comply with state requirements: Some states, such as California, have laws prescribing exact certificate wording.

In Hawaii, a rule states that Notaries must include a ‘certification statement’ that is either part of the certificate wording or added to the certificate. In these states, Notaries must ensure the certificate complies with the law and add the correct form or certificate statement if it doesn’t.

When the certificate calls for an act the Notary can’t perform: One example is the act of “signature witnessing,” which Notaries can perform in approximately 20 states. Notaries in states that don’t permit signature witnessing, such as Texas, would have to perform an acknowledgment or oath (or verification) chosen by the signer instead, which would require an acknowledgment or jurat certificate to be added to the document.

When there is no room for the Notary’s seal: Many states have laws requiring a Notary’s seal to be legible, and yet some documents provide insufficient space to affix a legible seal. If the seal will be placed over text or signatures in the document, it’s time to complete and attach a separate certificate form.

When there is no room for the Notary's signature: You may need to fill out and attach a separate Notary certificate if there is no room on the document for your Notary signature.

When there are multiple signers appearing at different times: Sometimes a document may need to be signed in one place and notarized, and then presented to another signer appearing at a different time and place before a Notary for a second notarization. In these cases, a separate certificate must be completed and added to the document because the signers appear separately.

When a Notary makes a mistake: In Florida and California, changes or amendments to a notarial certificate may not be made after the notarization is complete or the signer and Notary have left each other’s presence. Florida Notaries are also required to use photographically reproducible black ink when affixing the seal impression. A Notary who mistakenly places the wrong date in a certificate, for example, may be asked to correct the error by attaching a new certificate to the original document when the signer and Notary meet again.

When there isn’t enough room for the names of all signers: Most certificates have ample space to write in the names of one or two signers having their signatures notarized at the same time. But what if there are several signers and you run out of room? In this case, you’ll have to add a separate certificate to accommodate the names of any signers whose names won’t fit into the original certificate.

Always comply with your state’s Notary requirements

Notaries must follow certain required practices when it comes to using separate certificate forms. This ensures the notarization will be performed correctly and helps prevent someone from fraudulently attaching a “loose certificate” to another document.

Michigan does not prohibit Notaries from attaching a separate certificate form to a document when directed by a client or customer, but it’s not required for the notarization to be performed. The statute simply says that a Notary must write their name exactly as it appears on the Notary commission, date the document, and add the words "Notary Public, State of Michigan, County of (name of county of commissioning)," or if performing the notarization outside of the county of commissioning, "Acting in the County of (name of county where the notarization is performed)." If applicable, the Notary must also include whether the notarial act was performed using an electronic notarization system or performed using a remote electronic notarization platform.

If you live in a state that allows the use of separate certificate forms but doesn’t offer specific guidelines as to how to use them, we recommend the following:

  1. Always have the signer determine the type of notarization:

    If there is no certificate wording, ask the signer what type of notarization they need because Notaries are not authorized to make this determination. You may describe an acknowledgment, jurat or signature witnessing (if your state allows you to perform signature witnessings), but the signer must ultimately choose.

  2. Completely fill out the certificate:

    Fill out the separate certificate form as you would any notarial wording appearing preprinted on a document, making sure all of the necessary elements are present, all information is accurate and every space is filled.

    If the certificate provides a space for optional information, use this space to describe the document being notarized. The description can read something like this:

    "This certificate is attached to a ___________ (title or type of document), dated _____________, of ___ (number) pages, also signed by _____________________ (name[s] of other signer[s] if any)."

    This makes it harder for the certificate to be used fraudulently on another document.

  3. Staple the certificate to the document:

    Once the certificate is completed, the Notary should be the one to attach it to the document. Generally, the certificate should be stapled to the document’s left margin, behind the signature page.

Other fine points regarding ‘loose certificates’

Unless you are a Michigan Notary, you may not place your official seal on a document if notarial wording is missing. If you’re a California Notary, you may not place your seal on a document without the correct notarial wording. If you’re a Florida Notary, you may not complete a certificate that doesn’t contain all of the information required by the law.

While this article has been about when and how to use separate certificate forms, use a separate certificate as a last resort. If at all possible you should make every effort to use the notarial certificate appearing on the document. This will ensure that receiving agencies will accept the notarization without issue.

While some agencies may request it, Notaries should never mail a loose Notary certificate nor rely on someone else to attach it to the document.

Get unlimited access to your state’s Notary certificate forms for free when you become an NNA Member.

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View All: Best Practices


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Joan A. Baffa

20 Apr 2015

Very informative and excellent advice, as usual. Especially paragraph 2 above since, at our firm, the best practice is to never carry over a notarization or acknowledgement as a stand-alone document. If it becomes necessary to do so, however, following the instructions in paragraph 2 above is crucial; preventing fraud is of the utmost importance. Many thanks!

Kurt Gross

20 Apr 2015

Good article. The only thing better would be if these issues were addressed to my state specifically. It would be nice to have a link to my state that would address my situation. Thanks for the article though. It starts the conversation. Now if I can just figure out how to finish it.

John Clark

12 May 2015

I was presented with a document where the notarial wording appeared typed on the last (signature) page. The signer demanded it be acknowledged there also, and said it was my problem if I also wanted to attach a certificate with the proper (California) wording. He would not let me put the words "see attached" and line out his wording. I walked away. How should I have handled this?

National Notary Association

12 May 2015

Hello John. If the notarial wording pre-printed on the document didn't match the required wording for your state, you were correct to offer a loose certificate with the correct wording as an alternative. Crossing out unused certificate or writing "see attached" when using a loose certificate isn't specifically required under CA Notary law. If you are asked not to do so by a signer, we suggest that you make a note in your journal entry that there was unused pre-printed notarial wording on the document, a loose certificate was completed and attached instead, and the signer specifically asked you not to line out the pre-printed wording or write anything on the document.

Dawn Beigel

12 May 2015

To John Clark: I think you did the right thing. If the notarial wording on the last page wasn't correct for your state or there wasn't room for your seal, then you would need to attach a certificate. If the signer won't allow you to do that, and won't allow you to line out the improper wording and write "see attached certificate" with your initials and date, then you would be out of compliance and liable if fraud should occur. I would have refused the notarization if I were confronted with that situation.

Angela Varvi

18 May 2015

John, as long as it was not an out-of-state acknowledgment form, which California does allow some exceptions for, you were correct in not using a form that did not have the proper wording. Variations in our forms are not permitted. Instead of "see attached" which is also perfectly fine, I offer a stamp that states "Please see attached for CA Civil Code Section 1189 compliant acknowledgment." Once I explain that the notarization would not be legal otherwise, and that my stamp shows them where to look up the code, I have never had a problem. I let them know by law I must attach my certificate to their signature page and I staple it. Also, I agree with the NNA on using your notes section for writing down any unusual circumstances.

Shelley Swezey

04 Apr 2016

Thank you for this helpful information. I am so frustrated by one thing. In my state (PA), when I am presented with documents to be notarized that were created by an attorney (in PA) or even by a State Govt office, why wouldn't they know and provide the proper notarial certificate wording for our state???

National Notary Association

04 Apr 2016

Hi Shelley. We're sorry that you encountered this frustrating situation. Unfortunately, sometimes attorneys and even state officials are not always aware of current state Notary laws or recent law changes. That's why it's so important for Notaries to stay up to date on state regulations. To help, we have a searchable database of state Notary laws available here: We hope the information in this database will be helpful to you if you encounter this type of situation in the future.

Sherryl Kellogg

04 Apr 2016

I was recently asked to notarize a document pre-printed by the State of California that provided only a signature line for the notary to sign. No acknowledgement or jurat language was included in the document nor even enough room for my stamp. I wound up attaching a loose leaf jurat and explained to the client why I was doing what I was doing. The client was very understanding. I was extremely disappointed that my own state prepared a document that set me as a notary up for failure and possible liability. It pays to know the rules yourself.

Ada Narain

11 May 2016

This has never happened to me but the question did cross my mind. Thank you for this valuable information.

Mark Baker

03 Apr 2017

I understand title companies don't want staples to be used because it makes the document package thicker at one corner. I rarely staple the loose certificate to the signature page, but I use the NNA's pre-printed certs with the mentioned additional info filled out. Should I be stapling them anyway?

National Notary Association

05 Apr 2017

Hello Mark. If you are not using staples, how are you attaching the certificate to the document?

Roland Paquette

10 Apr 2017

Very good article but I find an error with regards multiple signers. I am in charge of a due diligence project that reviews notorial certificates. I have over 1600 documents where the signer was in one location and the bank or other entities were elsewhere. Different signers on different different days and locations. But they were all given a Jurat to sign on the same page. If it were an Acknowledgment then I agree because each state is slightly different in the accepted wording.

Gloria Armstrong

07 Aug 2017

I recently attached a loose acknowledgment certificate to a Texas originated mortgage document being signed in California, leaving the signer very apprehensive that it would be rejected. The issuing agency had printed the signer's name on a CA specific form, however, adding "an unmarried woman". Therefore, I refused to use the provided certificate. Did I do the wrong thing? I could not certify under penalty of perjury that signet was an unmarried woman.

National Notary Association

08 Aug 2017

Hello. You are correct that CA Notaries are not authorized to certify the marital status of as signer as part of their notarial duties.

Shelly Young

07 Aug 2017

Hawaii: Notarial certification - I did my very first notary public acknowledgement today. I attached the notary certification and stapled it at the left hand corner behind the letter (no certification wording on letter). Was I suppose to also use my notary certification stamp on the letter? I didn't think so because it was the same information on my attached certificate. Or was I suppose to put any other wording on the letter re: attached certificate? Thanks for your help!

National Notary Association

08 Aug 2017

Hello. Please see questions 9 and 10 in this FAQ:


05 Sep 2017

In CA, if there is an error and I am asked to correct the error by attaching a new certificate to the original document when the signer and Notary meet again, do I keep the FIRST acknowledgement attached to the document, or remove it and replace it with the NEW acknowledgment?

National Notary Association

06 Sep 2017

Whether or not the certificate is removed is not your decision. When a notarization is done for a document, the proof of notarization (certificate) becomes part of the document. Your responsibility is to complete it with the new date of appearance and to create another journal entry, making note that it was a new notarization to correct a previous one.


27 Oct 2017

I am a new notary and completed my first notarial acts yesterday. It did not go how I imagined. The signers (husband and wife) had 15 identical Medical Guardianship letters describing who would take care of their children while they were out of the country. The letter did not have any notarial wording. So, I accessed the NNA website to obtain the loose certificate for the state of TN to attach to the letters. In the case that I attach a loose certificate in the future, am I supposed to write anything on the signed page?

National Notary Association

30 Oct 2017

Hello. No, all information should be completed on the certificate and attached to the document.


02 Nov 2017

Hi there, Maryland notary here. For my first notarial act, the document lacked a spot for me to place my signature and my stamp. Whomever prepared it was not an attorney. Since I am not able to attach a certificate, what is the correct answer for this? Is this a case where I cannot notarize the document?

National Notary Association

03 Nov 2017

Hello. A Maryland Notary must authenticate all official acts with a seal of office (ACM St. Gov. 18-108). If you are unable to affix a seal or attach a certificate, you should not proceed with notarizing the document.

Ruben Mkrtichyan

16 Nov 2017

Hello. I am a CA notary.I am notarizing a letter to court.I am attaching an O still need to stamp the letter or just acknowledgment is enough?

National Notary Association

16 Nov 2017

Hello. You would need to affix your seal to the acknowledgment certificate wording.

Juanita Fong

19 Feb 2018

Can you please provide me, a Texas. New Notary several samples of an acknowledgement letter and a Jurat letter that need notarization. I am sincerely confused. Thank you for your help.

Juanita Fong

20 Feb 2018

Hello. If you are an NNA member, you can download sample certificates from our website by logging in to your membership account at and selecting "Texas" from the drop-down menu.


19 Feb 2018

Distinguishing notarial language in documents that are brought in for notarization. Can you provide me several examples for both a jurat and an acknowledgement. And can you provide me a sample Oath for the jurat document. I am slightly confused. Thank you.

National Notary Association

20 Feb 2018

Hello. To help us provide you with the correct information, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?

24 May 2018

I have a question on affixing the loose certificate to the document. It states to staple it, but is there any other way? most of the notarizations I make are going to be scanned in, and obviously stapling is not an option.

National Notary Association

25 May 2018

Hello. The certificate needs to be secured in such a way that it cannot be removed and attached to another document. Unsecure attachments such as paper clips should not be used. If you cannot staple or otherwise securely attach the certificate, it would not be advisable to use a separate Notary certificate due to the risk of possible fraud.

Margaret Mold

13 Jul 2018

I am a notary in Minnesota. In 1997 I notarized a document with a metal embosser. The client wanted to record the document, he did not until just recently. The county recorder stated they could not record as the seal had not left enough indentation. as he had stored it in a tight condition. Does Minnesota allow a Loose Certificate, also is there a statute number to attach to this? Thank you.

National Notary Association

16 Jul 2018

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Diane SooHoo

11 Oct 2018

CA Public Notary. Can two acknowledgement certificates be on the same page? The certificate presented that they want me to use is printed on the first half of the page above another certificate. Since my signer is first and the other signer is the next day, I'd be using the top page certificate for the notary for the one signature and at a later date the other signer would sign and have another Public Notary use the bottom page certificate of the page (that I've already attached to the signature page) that I left blank for the 2nd later signature. I

National Notary Association

11 Oct 2018

Hello. Yes, a document can include more than one notarial certificate.


05 Mar 2019

"When there is no room for the Notary’s seal" is the only reason (so far) that I have had to use a loose Acknowledgement or Loose Jurat. One vendor sent me a full page PDF for each that is edit-able, so that I can fill in everything INCLUDING printing my name under my signature line.

NM Harris

25 Mar 2019

I am a CA notary & completed an acknowledgement for a contract going to FL. There are 4 copies of the contract. Does each copy need it's own Acknowledgement?

National Notary Association

26 Mar 2019

Hello. Is the customer asking you to notarize an original signature on any of the copies?


05 Aug 2019

I'm confused about this statement: Notaries in states that don’t permit signature witnessing, such as Arizona and Texas, would have to perform an acknowledgment or oath (or verification) instead, which would require an acknowledgment or jurat certificate be added to the document. *Texas cannot have witnesses, like for POA's that require witnesses, etc.?

National Notary Association

07 Aug 2019

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Sylvia Phillips

21 Oct 2019

Great article


14 Apr 2020

If a notary block is left off of a legal document, can a separate acknowledgment be attached and mailed to client?

National Notary Association

15 Apr 2020

No. As stated above, while some agencies may request it, Notaries should never mail a loose certificate nor rely on someone else to attach it to the document.

C Chen

18 Apr 2020

I'm a CA notary, and all of the preprinted language on the loan docs are not fully compliant. Since the docs have barcodes and pages stamped to it, I nervous adding a loose leaf doc will create issues for the recipient. Can I handwrite the official CA language on to the existing doc?

National Notary Association

20 Apr 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

roxanna sheffield

27 Apr 2020

InFla, what info is needed on the witness besides their signature and where do we record it?

National Notary Association

27 Apr 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

G Ip

25 Jun 2020

CA notary: It states to attached the loose certificate following the signature. Where would the certificate be attached if the document is printed Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3, and Page 3 of 3, and the signature to notarized on the Page 1 of 3?

National Notary Association

26 Jun 2020

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


24 Aug 2020

I am a Maryland Notary and have been asked to attach a Notary certificate to confirm the validity of a passport and school transcript" The attached is a correct copy of the original from it's date of issue...etc. Is that allowed?

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2020

Hello. No. A Notary in the state of Maryland does not have the power to certify the authenticity of any document — official or unofficial — other than the notary’s registry. For example, a notary cannot notarize a passport, birth certificate, school transcript, or other document.


26 Oct 2020

I'm a FL Notary who does on avg 3 loan signings per day, 6 days a week. Most Title Companies don't want anything stapled to a document, to include the borrower's check. Most say to use a "sign here" flag to attach. I always fill out a LL certificate if the document's pre-printed wording is not FL approved. I fill out the bottom of the certificate to describe the document it goes to, and leave it "unattached" right behind it. Is this against the "Law"? When the wording comes close, I will write-in the missing words (I.e. Appeared by means of Physical presence, and/or Presented FL Drivers license as identification). I've never had a problem with it so far. Its my certificate and my responsibility to ensure it complies to the 9 points of info on a certificate. Lastly, I've gotten into the habbit of sending an email right away to the Title company to include the correct FL notarial wording in all of their documents. Every one of them have said that I'm the ONLY Notary to have EVER educated them on this requirement. They really had no idea and appreciated me contacting them directly. My email contains cut/paste short form wording, as well as the entire Loose Leaf (Ack and Jurats) for their exclusive use when doing closings in FL. Does NNA get this information out to our Customers to be mindful of the different states' requirements?

National Notary Association

29 Oct 2020

Hello. While not required by law in Florida, it is a best practice to staple the attachment to the document being notarized. Sending loose completed Notary certificates greatly increases the risk that a certificate may be attached fraudulently to a different document. Other states, such as California, do require separate notarial certificates to be stapled to the document. Always remember to only complete a certificate when there is an accompanying document to go with it.


18 Jan 2021

Distinguishing notarial language in documents that are brought in for notarization. Can you provide me several examples for both a jurat and an acknowledgement. And can you provide me a sample Oath for the jurat document. I am slightly confused. Thank you. I am in TN

National Notary Association

21 Jan 2021

Hello. If you are an NNA member you can download Notary certificate forms for your state by logging into your member profile, selecting "Member Benefits" and then clicking "Downloadable Notary Certificate Forms."


04 Feb 2021

Is it true for a Texas notary I CANNOT determine which loose leaf certificate to attach to a document which does not have a notarial language, the signor has to choose which certificate to use?

National Notary Association

04 Feb 2021

Hello. Yes, that is correct. The signer must select the type of notarization. As a Notary, you may not select the type of notarization on the signer's behalf.

Amy Baumert

06 Feb 2021

Is there an article that just pertains just to Illinois

Peter Lee Adams III

02 Mar 2021

the paragraph "when to apply a certificate to a document" the statement "Maryland previously prohibited Notaries from adding ​a notarial certificate to a document if it didn’t already exist, but that prohibition was removed effective October 1, 2020, under a new state law ​that requires a Notary to complete a certificate of a notarial act for every notarization." says this, but in paragraph "Always comply with your states Notary regulations" it says something else " While most states allow Notaries to complete and attach separate certificate forms, Maryland does not. In Maryland, if the document doesn’t contain notarial wording, for example, the Notary must perform a “signature witnessing,” in which they verify the signer’s ID and observe the signing of the document. The Notary then dates, signs, and stamps the document; notes their commission expiration date; and records it all in the journal". Am, I missing something here? please let me know.

National Notary Association

03 Mar 2021

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'll remove the outdated text from the article.

Kiley Walgren

05 Mar 2021

Hello, if I have been asked to notarize a POA from Germany that will also need to be apostilled, would this need to be an acknowledgement? Also, since it doesn't include the notary certificate, where can I find one? Am I allowed to type one up?

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2021

Hello. As the Notary, you may not determine what type of notarization is needed. The signer must choose the type of notarization they wish for the document. Once the signer chooses the notarial act, you may complete and attach the appropriate certificate wording for that notarization. Apostilles are not issued by Notaries. Once the notarization is completed, it is the signer's responsibility to submit the notarized document to the appropriate state agency to request an apostille.


08 Mar 2021

I am a Notary in CA. I have a document that has the incorrect wording with “sworn by” and does not have the state of California county of verbage in it. I will be attaching (stapling) a California Jurat to the the document and performing an oath. There will be two signers. 1. Do I need to perform the Oath/affirmation to each person individually If they are both signing the same document? 2. Am I required (or should I) to line through the incorrect wording and write “see attached” on the signed document?

National Notary Association

10 Mar 2021

Hello. If you are performing jurats for two separate signers, you would need to administer a separate oath or affirmation to each signer. You should ask the signers for instructions regarding writing "see attached" on the document. If the signers cannot provide clear instructions, the signers should contact the document issuing or receiving agency to ask for instructions.


20 Jul 2021

I am confused as to when a notary certificate is required, if I am doing an acknowledgement and their is only a place in the form for the notary to sign, seal, and write their commission expiration date, would a notary certificate still be required?

National Notary Association

21 Jul 2021

Hello. Depending on your state's Notary laws, additional certificate wording may be required. To help us answer your question in more detail, can you please tell us what state you are commissioned in?


21 Jul 2021

Thank you, I am commisioned in Maryland!

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2021

Thank you. In Maryland, “Each notarial act shall be evidenced by a certificate” (ACM St. Gov’t 18-215[a][1]).

Candice Angotti

23 Aug 2021

Glad to see specific mention about Michigan Notary Certificates. I had to laugh when I read the part Michigan is a special case. Oh, you got that right. In my opinion we have some of the grayest, vaguest notary laws of anywhere. The state doesn't make the connection of legal documents, conformity and correctness and they sure don't bother to test or teach about it. When will the Office of the Great Seal wake up and give us more finite regulations?

Connie Parker

23 Aug 2021

Just for clarification if the notarial wording is on the document to be notarized then there is no need to attach the acknowledgement or jurat. So if my document has the words "sworn to" then I don't need to add a jurat.

National Notary Association

10 Sep 2021

Hello. If appropriate Notary certificate wording that meets your state's requirements is pre-printed on a document, you may complete and use the pre-printed wording and are not required to complete and attach a separate, additional Notary certificate.


23 Aug 2021

I'd like to see the entire notary law addressed for the state of VA, but the Secretary of State document doesn't seem to be complete. For instance, I'd like to see the notary laws concerning witnessing, and they have nothing on that. Where would one find all the laws if you can't find it in the Sec. of State handbook?

National Notary Association

26 Aug 2021

Hello. You can find a summary of Virginia's Notary laws here:

Newkine Desir

04 Jan 2022

Hi does each notary require a certificate

National Notary Association

05 Jan 2022

Hello. Yes, each time you notarize a signature on a document you should complete the appropriate certificate wording as required by your state.

Barbara Gaskins

05 May 2022

I have been asked to notarize a document for the first time....Document for a driver license...foreigner. I think this an acknowledgment. How can I be sure? I will just need a form of ID or passport?

National Notary Assocation

18 May 2022

Hello. You will need to ask the signer what type of notarization they wish performed. Remember that you may not choose the type of notarization for the signer. If you can tell us what state you are commissioned in, we can provide you more specific information about acceptable forms of signer identification in your state.

Chantel Ford

21 May 2022

I am commissioned in the state of Georgia. I am still confused as to when a notary certificate is required, if I am doing an acknowledgement and their is only a place in the form for the notary to sign, seal, and write their commission expiration date, would a notary certificate still be required? Also, when is it appropriate use a stamp certificate versus an actual form?

National Notary Association

26 May 2022

“In the taking of acknowledgments and the performing of other notarial acts requiring certification, a certificate endorsed upon or attached to the instrument or document, which certificate shows the date of the notarial act and which states, in substance, that the person appearing before the officer acknowledged the instrument as his act or made or signed the instrument or document under oath, shall be sufficient for all intents and purposes. The instrument or document shall not be rendered invalid by the failure to state the place of execution or acknowledgment” (OCGA 45-17-33).

Audra Koopmann

04 Nov 2022

In the case when the loose acknowledgement is going to be scanned can you use your stamp to make an impression so that it rests partly on the signer's page and partly on the certificate without covering up wording or signatures? This way an auditor can compare the divided impression with the whole one on the acknowledgement? Would be acceptable in all states?

National Notary Association

10 Nov 2022

Hello. Documents containing partial Notary seal or stamp impressions are likely to get rejected. Please see here for more information:

audra koopmann

11 Nov 2022

I appreciate you getting back to me about my question, but I was not referring to a bad or partial imprint of your stamp for the notarial act. But using a second stamp that is partial on the loose acknowledgement and the document it belongs to.

National Notary Association

17 Nov 2022

Hello. As stated in our previous answer, you should not make a partial seal impression on a document (such as what you are describing) because it could lead to the document being rejected by a receiving agency.

Cathy Cartwright

13 May 2023

I get so tired of people who say they are Notary Publics or used to be telling me how to do a notarization when I have been one for over ten years. One example is that I don’t need to staple certificates to their documents because no one else does it. They get mad if I don’t do what they ask but I do my job the way I was instructed. I am in CA.

P.J Merced-Velazquez

12 Jul 2023

Hi, my question is: if there are two signers, doing an acknowledgement, and I attach a loose certificate to the document, do BOTH signers have to sign the loose certificate or only one? I am in California. Thanks

National Notary Association

13 Jul 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Laudyvon Fortenberry

23 Aug 2023

California notary. Does the loose certificate need to be stapled if you are conducting a Loan signing? These documents usually are scanned and I hear that agencies do not want documents to be stapled for that reason

National Notary Association

24 Aug 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.

Maureen Nation

18 Oct 2023

Would this be acceptable? STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF PASCO ) Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this _____ day of ______________ in the year of 2023 by JOHN SMITH, the Principal. The Principal and both witnesses personally appeared before me for the execution of this document. The Affiant is (Choose One): _____ Personally known to me OR _____ Produced the following for Identification _____________________ ____________________________________ Signature of Notarial Officer Notary Public for the State of Florida My Commission Expires: 1/2/3456 before me the undersigned appeared JOHN SMITH, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed within this instrument and acknowledgef to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual executed the instrument.

National Notary Association

20 Oct 2023

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone and provided them with a more detailed description of the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.


11 Dec 2023

Hi CA Notary, when adding the wording " loose certificate attached" to document where I am adding a loose certificate, Do I need to sign and date that as well?

National Notary Association

23 Feb 2024

No. You only sign on the attachment that you use, and enter “see attached Notary certificate” on the document where it requests the Notary to sign.

06 Feb 2024

I am a licensed Notary in the state of Florida. According to the Florida law, from what I understand, a separate certificate must be completed and stapled to a notarization. If a document already has the working on the bottom which provides the same information as the certificate, do I still have to complete and staple an additional certificate when I do a notarization? Please advise. Many thanks for your kind assistance.

National Notary Association

09 Apr 2024

If notarial wording appears at the bottom of a document, and it conforms with Florida requirements, you can use that wording and a separate certificate would not be used.


29 Apr 2024

Clients regularly tell me they have to fax or email a completed & notarized document. When I have to use a separate certificate, do I still need to staple it to the document even though the client will have to detach it to send by fax or email?

National Notary Association

06 May 2024

Hello. When you complete and attach a separate certificate while notarizing a document, you must staple it to the document. You may not provide loose, unattached certificates to signers.


04 Jun 2024

Hi, Wyoming notary here. I did my very first notary public acknowledgement today. I attached the notary certification and stapled behind the letter (no certification wording on letter). Was I suppose to also use my notary certification stamp on the letter? Or was I suppose to put any other wording on the letter re: attached certificate? Thanks for your help!

National Notary ASsociation

07 Jun 2024

Hello. No, you should not affix your official Notary seal to a page that lacks notarial wording. The seal should only be affixed to the completed notarial certificate.

16 Jul 2024

Hell, Maryland Notary here. I have to notarize a DD Form 1172. On the form, there is a place for the notary seal and signature, but the notarial language is missing. I will need to explain to the signers that by law the notarial language is required and to choose the type of notarization. Then, I will have to attach the certificate to the form. There is a place for remarks on the form. My question is - Can I write in the notarial language in the remarks section instead of adding a certificate?

National Notary Association

23 Jul 2024

Based on what you’ve described, we think it would be best if you contacted our Hotline team by phone so you can speak directly to them about the situation. The NNA Hotline: 1-888-876-0827 Mon – Fri: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (PT) Saturday: 5:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PT) If you’re not an NNA Member or Hotline Subscriber, they will provide you with a one-time courtesy call.
