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Notarizing Burial Plot Donations:Can Notaries Do This?

New Hotline Resized 3A client would like to donate burial/cemetery plots to families who have lost young children. I only need to notarize the letter which states what they are donating, correct? — C.Y., Minnesota

It seems you are asking us to provide legal advice on the question of how to ensure the burial plots are properly donated. That’s not a question that we nor a Notary may answer. If the client asks you to notarize their signature on the letter, you may proceed.

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23 Sep 2019

This is great to know. So many people have bought burial plots for both people and pets and then decided they don't want them. I now wonder about Time Shares?

Keith Gross

29 Jan 2021

So i bought a head stone for my grandmothers unmarked grave. I was going to install it but the graveyard people said i have to have it notarized first then they will lay the stone once completed. Can anyone notarize it or does it have to be a specific type of notary? Like my buddy does notarys for cars and such would he be allowed? Thanks.

National Notary Association

01 Feb 2021

Hello. We're sorry, but you would need to contact the agency that asked you to have the document notarized to ask them if they have any specific notarization restrictions or requirements.

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