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NNA 2015: JPMorgan Chase to present a workshop for office Notaries, supervisors

The NNA is offering a new workshop for office Notaries and their employers at the 2015 conference in Orlando, FL.

Well‐trained and well‐managed Notaries can help their employers avoid liability and prevent fraud, but balancing the demands of the workplace with the duties of the Notary office can be challenging. To help deal with it, JPMorgan Chase is hosting a special workshop for Notaries and their supervisors at NNA 2015 Conference in Orlando from May 31 to June 3, 2015.

The role of office Notaries

As public servants, Notaries are answerable to their states, and they serve the public as impartial witnesses in business transactions. As employees, however, Notaries are also accountable to their bosses to serve the business goals of the whole organization. Yet many companies find themselves in legal hot water because of the actions of their staff Notaries.

Despite the fact that imperfect notarizations can lead to serious consequences and liability, some states still do not require Notary education or testing. If your business resides in one of these states, you assume the burden and risk of ensuring that all of your Notary employees learn all the rules — and display professional standards at all times.

Notary workshop details

At the NNA Conference 2015, a new workshop titled, “How to Develop and Implement Effective Policies for Employee Notaries” will be led by Tamra Bubke, Vice President of Notary Oversight for JPMorgan Chase. It will focus on developing a Notary oversight plan for your company, and will address the following:

  • Creating guidelines for employee Notaries that comply with state laws and rules as well as your internal company policies
  • Showing how effective policies and oversight can provide superior service and always protects the Notary and his/her employers
  • Understanding why it’s so important to train Notaries and supervisors of Notaries to recognize best practices
  • Identifying how to safeguard and protect Notary journal records
  • Tracking staff Notaries to keep all of their commissions current

The workshop is relevant to Notaries and their supervisors. What Notaries do is so important. Your company’s managers and supervisors need a working knowledge of the specialized practices of Notaries, as well as strategies for efficiently managing them and guiding them away from pitfalls.

For more info about workshops and events at NNA 2015, check out the Conference website.

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View All: NNA News


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27 Apr 2015

My big concern always the documents late from the title company, it makes me very late it's my problem now, they never call the borrower to let them the documents are late. So it's up to me to call.


27 Apr 2015

Problem I have is that the Escrow/Loan Officer does not let the signer know that they need to pay closing funds due to short of funds to close. It should not be the Notary's job to inform the signer. Yes we should inform them that I am instructed to collect funds. Very frustrating.


27 Apr 2015

When I know that the docs are going to be late I usually call the borrower that they are going to be late and let them that I will call them once I receive them and then set a new time with them if you know that you are going to be late. I usually call the agency to inform them and if it is after hours than I call them in the morning that way you are not blamed for not showing up in time.

11 May 2015

Over the years working with client assets at a law firm, I have seen numerous documents come back to our office after being taken to Chase Bank branches to be notarized by their staff notaries and then come back with one of three major issues. The top issue I see from Chase Bank notaries is that they do not SIGN the acknowledgment or jurat, only affix their seal, and we have been told directly by a couple of the notaries that they did not know they needed to sign the certificates. Second, they do not correct the certificate if their stamp does not come out legible, which makes more work for us and potential charges to our clients for us to call the notaries and have the issue corrected. Third, we have seen a few Chase Bank notaries place their seal over the signature line, with some of them signing next to the improperly placed seal in the blank space of the document. All this to say, I sincerely hope that Chase will have this workshop available to ALL of their own staff notaries, even after the conference is over!!!!

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