NNA Staff
What do you do when the parents of a child ask you to notarize signatures for travel documents verifying that they are the parents of a 3-year-old, but they do not have a birth certificate?

Kelle Clarke
A growing majority of mortgage industry professionals are either in the process of implementing eMortgage strategies or are planning to do so by the year’s end, according to a 2014 industry survey.

David Thun
A change to California’s mandatory Notary certificate wording for acknowledgments, jurats and proofs of execution takes effect January 1, 2015, and Notaries of the Golden State who do not use the new wording will be out of compliance with state law.

Kelle Clarke
We ask Notaries for their solutions if a signer's identification doesn't match their appearance.

Kelle Clarke
Nationwide foreclosure activity in September dropped to its lowest levels since July 2006, hitting numbers last seen prior to the housing crisis.

David Thun
Have you ever wanted to learn more about how Notaries helped influence history? In honor of Notary Public Day, here’s a traveler’s guide to some destinations you can visit featuring Notaries who played a part in shaping the history of the United States

Kelle Clarke
What should you do if your Notary seal is smudged and illegible on a document?

Bill Anderson
Signing agent fees are one of the most persistent topics of discussion among Notaries. Find out how the NNA addresses this important concern for signing agents.

Bill Anderson
Guiding Principle 7 of the Certified Signing Specialist Code of Conduct reads: “The Certified Signing Specialist will follow all contractual obligations in charging and collecting fees for services rendered.”

David Thun
I have been asked to notarize a document that was not dated. What do you do when a document has no date on it?