Kelle Clarke
2013 was a light year for Notary-related legislation based on the number of bills introduced. But the bills that did pass were not light on substance.

Kelle Clarke
As a Florida Notary, am I required to record a signer’s driver’s license number in my notarial journal?

David Thun
Kansas recently became the first U.S. state to send a paperless apostille — a certificate used to verify notarial acts and other important records — to another country.

Kelle Clarke
On Dec. 19 we posed a scenario, The Case of the Missing Figures, about a Notary who was asked by a signer to notarize a promissory note that was missing critical information, including the final loan amount. The question is: Was the Notary correct in refusing the notarization, and what explanation should be given to the signer?

David Thun
Signing agents have asked many questions about the annual background check prescribed by the Signing Professionals Workgroup. Christopher Ballas, CEO of Backgrounds Online, answers questions about screenings and clears up some common misconceptions.

David Thun
There are only a few more days left to submit nominations for Notary of the Year 2014, so be sure to send in yours by Dec. 31.

David Thun
There are only 12 more days to submit your nomination for the 2014 Notary of the Year. Be sure to nominate any deserving Notary you know by December 31.

Kelle Clarke
The foreclosure crisis may finally be nearing its end. According to the latest report from RealtyTrac, foreclosure proceedings dropped dramatically in November, representing a 32 percent decrease from 2012 and the lowest number since December 2005.

Kelle Clarke
A customer comes to you for a notarization, and he is a bit anxious. The two of you begin to go through the stack of well-organized paperwork, until you come across a promissory note that is missing important information.

Moses Keshishian
On behalf of everyone at the NNA, we wish you Happy Holidays!