NNA Staff
on November 28, 2022
A Texas Notary asks about what needs to be done with a Notary commission once the application process is complete. The NNA Notary Hotline answers the question.
NNA Staff
on November 15, 2022
An Arizona Notary asks for guidance using a translator during a notarization under the state's new laws. The NNA Hotline answers your questions.
NNA Staff
on November 14, 2022
A Notary asks if they can certify copies of foreign birth certificates. The NNA Notary Hotline answers the question.
NNA Staff
on November 07, 2022
A Texas Notary asks if it's OK to sign her name in a way that doesn't match the name on her seal. The NNA Notary Hotline answers the question.
David Thun
on November 02, 2022
Here are your answers to last week's question about a strange email offering a lucrative Notary signing assignment, but containing strange errors and instructions.