NNA Staff
A Notary asks if it's allowed to notarize a copy of a passport. The NNA Hotline has your answers.

Kelly Rush
A former Honolulu prosecutor tried to frame an innocent man in a fraud scheme using the signature of a fake Notary.

David Thun
Nearly two dozen states have authorizied Notaries to perform remote online notarizations (RON). Learn more about the new changes RON brings and how they affect Notaries.

John Jacobson
Entering a detailed Notary journal entry can be time-consuming. An efficiency stamp with pre-printed wording may help you save time.

NNA Staff
Starting January 1, 2020, Florida Notaries must use new certificate wording for acknowledgments and jurats.

David Thun
Can Notaries accept tips for their services? Here are some guidelines to help you.

Michael Closen
Notary law expert Michael Closen explains how leaving a Notary seal unguarded leads to financial loss and lawsuits.

NNA Staff
How does a Notary qualify to become an international Notary Public? The NNA Hotline Team has the answer.