NNA Staff
When relying on a credible identifying witness, you should administer an oath or affirmation. Here is some recommended wording.

NNA Staff
Imposture is when a dishonest person obtains a genuine identification document from a state or federal issuing agency by posing as another person and falsely submitting the other person's name.

NNA Staff
Tips on using a subscribing witness during a signing.

NNA Staff
You’re at the final stages of a notarization. Everything’s gone smoothly until you stamp the document, and the seal is unreadable. What do you do?

NNA Staff
Tips on how to properly fingerprint your signer.

NNA Staff
How enterprising Notaries use such sites to promote their business and find new customers.

NNA Staff
Notaries often are asked to certify that certain events or actions have occurred, but this is not the usual notarial act. What do you do?

NNA Staff
Discrimination is unequal treatment of someone without due and lawful cause.

NNA Staff
The first time most people ever heard of the actor Leslie Nielsen, chances are they thought he was a she. Or how about Glenn Close? Names like Pat, Lynn, Chris, Dana, Kelly, on paper, give no clue as to the person's sex.

NNA Staff
There may be times when you become aware of a fellow Notary using his or her commission to commit fraud or another type of misconduct. What should you do?