NNA Staff
The federal government has ordered 14 mortgage lenders involved in the “robo-signing” scandal to send letters to 4.3 million consumers who may have been victimized by foreclosure errors and misconduct, paving the way for a massive number of individual case reviews and potential compensation.

NNA Staff
Educator, book author, technology enthusiast, and recent Spanish-language learner, Elaine Wright, the NNA’s 2009 Notary of the Year, continues to focus on growing her own notarial expertise and using it to mentor Notaries and Notary Signing Agents.

NNA Staff
(Editor's Note: The sweepstakes is now concluded and is no longer accepting entries.)

NNA Staff
The recent decision by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department and the Santa Rosa Police Department to allow officers to accept Matricula Consular cards continues the nationwide debate over these controversial IDs issued by Mexican consulates whose citizens live outside of Mexican borders.

NNA Staff
More than 700 county recorders around the country are electronically recording real estate-related documents, according to the Property Records Industry Association. That represents a 40 percent increase since April 2010.

NNA Staff
When Michael J. Finland was named Notary of the Year in 2002, what most distinguished him was his passionate commitment to education.