David Thun
Late delivery of loan documents, poor communication with lenders and more complex and difficult assignments were among of the biggest concerns NSAs reported in an online Notary Bulletin survey on loan signing issues last week.

Kelle Clarke
From breaking the ice during networking events, to tips on how to establish and maintain your own network of colleagues and clients, here are a few tips to help get you started.

Vicki Gardner
These five “signature events” should be high on everyone’s list for the added value they bring.

Kelle Clarke
As employment figures begin to take a turn for the better, Notaries nationwide are discovering innovative ways to expand their services and increase their income potential.

Moses Keshishian
With over 60 million registered users and over 20 million reviews posted on the site, Yelp continues to dominate the social review space on the Internet. Consumers frequently turn to Yelp to look up mechanics, restaurants and other businesses. But Notaries?
David Thun
With Notary Signing Agents under growing pressure to bolster their training and professionalism, many NSAs are urging mortgage industry leaders to improve the way signing agencies handle assignments.

Kelle Clarke
Many new Notaries may not be aware of the missteps that can lead to a notarization being invalidated. Avoid these errors with help from the NNA.

NNA Staff
NNA 2013 Conference has a special appeal for veteran NSAs wanting to expand their training and education — and discover new ways to increase their income.
David Thun
March showed signs of improvement for the national real estate market, with home foreclosure activity dropping to its lowest levels in four years, according to reports released last month.

NNA Staff
With the housing market on the rebound, NNA 2013 Conference attendees will have a golden opportunity to become an NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent.