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Special Reports and Articles

Special Reports

The NNA 2017 Official Notary Census (Click here for HTML version)

The NNA 2012 Official Notary Census

10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Losses Due To Claims

NNA Conference Reports

Professionalism: The Keystone of Success: A Report on the 26th Annual Conference [2004, Philadelphia].

Signed, Sealed, Secured: A Report on the 25th Annual Conference [2003, Orlando].

e-Confidence in World Commerce: A Report on the 24th Annual Conference of the National Notary Association [2002, San Diego].

Technology with Trust: A Report on the 23rd Annual Conference [2001, Montreal].

Securing Identity in the 21st Century: A Report on the 22nd Annual Conference [2000, Las Vegas].

Law Review Articles by NNA Staff

"Being There: The Importance of Physical Presence to the Notary," Charles N. Faerber. John Marshall Law Review, v. 31, n. 3, Spring 1998, pp. 749 - 776.

"Book Versus Byte: The Prospects and Desirability of a Paperless Society," Charles N. Faerber. John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law, v. 17, n. 3, Spring 1999, pp. 797 - 831.

"The Feminization of the Office of Notary Public: From Femme Covert to Notaire Covert," Deborah M. Thaw. John Marshall Law Review, v. 31, n. 3, Spring 1998, pp. 703 - 734.

"National Notary Association: A Historical Profile," Milton G. Valera. John Marshall Law Review, v. 31, n. 3, Spring 1998, pp. 971-999.

"New Technology and a Global Economy Demand That American Notaries Better Prepare for the Future: Upgrading the Current Common Law System May mean Establishing a New Class of Cyber Professional," Milton G. Valera. John Marshall Law Review, v. 32, n. 4, Summer 1999, pp. 935 - 964.
