NV Assembly Bill 227


State: Nevada
Signed: May 03, 2005

Effective: October 01, 2005
Chapter: 37


Assembly Bill 227 amends the state’s Notary non-English advertising law with the prohibition against using the terms “Notario” and “Notario Publico.”


Amends Section 240.085 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

  1. Prohibits a nonattorney-Notary from using the terms “Notario,” “Notario Publico” or an equivalent non-English term in any communication advertising the Notary’s services.
  2. Permits the Secretary of State to suspend the commission of a Notary who is found guilty of using the terms “Notario” and “Notario Publico” in an advertisement – for one year, and on the third such offense, revoke the commission.
  3. A Notary who is found guilty in a criminal prosecution for the above-mentioned offense shall be fined up to $2,000.

Assembly Bill 227 amends the state’s Notary non-English advertising law with the prohibition against using the terms “Notario” and “Notario Publico.” This law already requires Notaries advertising in a foreign language to include in the ad this statement: “I am not an attorney in the state of Nevada. I am not licensed to give legal advice. I may not accept fees for giving legal advice.”

Read Assembly Bill 227.
