AffectsAmends Sections 240.030, 240.040, 240.075, 240.120, 240.150, and 240.210 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
AnalysisSenate Bill 77 enacts significant amendments to Chapter 240 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. It permits the Secretary to require fingerprinting of all commission applicants by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Section 7 of the bill provides for an immediate effective date of this provision, allowing the Secretary of State to promulgate rules concerning the fingerprinting provision. SB 77 also imposes a potentially hefty maximum civil penalty of up to $2,000 to any Notary or the employer of a Notary for a Notary’s or employee-Notary’s willful violation or neglect of duty or other violation of Chapter 240 of the NRS. SB 77 also makes changes to Nevada’s journal statute, permitting a Notary to allow a person acknowledging a signature to sign once in the Notary’s journal if the Notary has performed a notarial act for the person within the previous 6 months and the Notary has personal knowledge of the identity of the person. The new law also permits a Notary to make one entry in the journal to record more than one notarial act, under certain circumstances. Following the lead of Oregon, Nevada also seeks to address problems caused by the so-called “sovereign citizens” in allowing only those Notaries who are employed by a depository institution to perform a protest during the course of their employment. We also note and are pleased with the rules emphasizing the Notary is to secure the Notary’s seal and journal and prohibiting Notaries from notarizing documents containing blank spaces.
Read Senate Bill 77.