NV Senate Bill 131


State: Nevada
Signed: July 01, 2001

Effective: July 01, 2007
Chapter: 540


Senate Bill 131 allows a county clerk to collect an additional $5 for filing a Notary bond.


Adds a new section to and amends Section 19.031 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

  1. Authorizes a county clerk to collect an additional fee not to exceed $5 for filing and recording a bond of a Notary Public. Note: county clerks can choose whether or not to charge this new fee; it is not required.
  2. Requires the additional bond-filing fee to be accounted for separately in the county general fund and this money used only to acquire technology or to improve technology used in the county clerk’s office.

In addition to the $15 fee that is currently charged to file a Notary bond with the county clerk, Notaries soon may be required to pay an additional $5, but only if the county clerk elects to charge this extra fee. The fee is earmarked for upgrading technology in the county clerk’s office.

Read Senate Bill 131.
