NM Guidance on Video-Conference Notarizations
Effective: March 30, 2020
SummaryNew Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver issued guidance for New Mexico Notaries implementing the Governor's recent executive order temporarily authorizing video-conference notarizations.
AffectsAll New Mexico Notaries Public.
- Defines "acknowledgment", "affirmation", "copy certification", "jurat", and "oath" consistent with the New Mexico Notary Public Act.
- Provides the conditions, as specified, under which Notaries Public will not be subject to sanctions when performing video-conference notarizations.
- Clarifies that although the Governor declared that Notaries performing notarial acts using audio-video technology will not be penalized for doing so, notarizing a document in this manner does not ensure that the notarization will be accepted by the office of the entity that requires it.
- Clarifies that complaints made against a Notary filed with the Secretary of State will still be recorded and forwarded to the Regulation and Licensing Division, and the Office of the Governor, for those agencies to record and respond.
AnalysisIn guidance issued to implement Governor Grisham's Executive Order 2020-015, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver clarifies matters related to notarizing documents under the Governor's Order.
To read the guidance, click Download PDF, below.