LA Senate Bill 70


State: Louisiana
Signed: June 19, 2009

Effective: June 19, 2009
Chapter: Act No. 118


Senate Bill 70 directs the clerk of court of Orleans Parish to collect certain fees for records filed in the notarial archives of the Parish and designates portions of these fees for various purposes.

Note: The bill became effective on June 19, 2009 without the Governor's signature.


Adds Section 44:181.7 to the Louisiana Revised Statutes.

  1. Authorizes the clerk of court in Orleans Parish to charge $25 for each authentic act, contract, or other instrument, and $30 for each sketch, blueprint, or survey filed in the notarial archives.
  2. Designates $5 of each record filed in the notarial archives to fund microfilming or other imaging projects and the remainder to fund the general expenses and maintenance of the clerk of court’s office.

Senate Bill 70 directs the clerk of court of Orleans Parish to collect certain fees for records filed in the notarial archives of the Parish and designates portions of these fees for various purposes. While each Louisiana Notary does maintain a “portfolio” of the documents they officially prepare and certify, they are required by law periodically to deposit the contents of their portfolios in the local parish archive.

Read Senate Bill 70.
