LA Senate Bill 236


State: Louisiana
Signed: June 12, 2017

Effective: August 01, 2017
Chapter: Act No. 173


Senate Bill 236 raises fees for recordable documents and requires parish clerks to implement electronic recording by January 1, 2022.


Amends Sections 9:5217, 13:844, 44:40, 116, and 161 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes, amends Article 3352 of the Civil Code, and Artictle 258 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and enacts Articles 258(D) and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

  1. Raises the fees for recording documents with a recorder as follows: (a) $100 for 1-5 page documents; (b) $200 for 6-25 page documents; $300 for 26-50 page documents; and (d) for documents that exceed 50 pages, $300 for the first 50 pages and $5 for each additional page. 
  2. Provides that if a document is to be recorded and filed in both the mortgage and conveyance records, the fees shall be assessed separately for recording in the mortgage records and in the conveyance records.
  3. Provides that documents to be recorded may be either on eight-and-one-half-inch by eleven-inch paper or on eight-and-one-half-inch by fourteen-inch paper and the recording fees set forth in this Section shall be the same regardless of which size paper is used, and further provides that for any other size paper, there shall be an additional fee of twenty dollars per page.
  4. Provides that the fee for recording of an act or affidavit to cancel a single mortgage, lien, or privilege is $50.
  5. Raises the fee a recorder may charge for taking an acknowledgment from $5 to $10. 
  6. Adds an additional recording fee of $20 per page for a document that is not letter or legal size. 
  7. Provides that by January 1, 2022, each parish clerk court, including the Orleans Parish register of conveyances or its successor and the Orleans Parish recorder of mortgages or its successor, shall adopt and implement a plan for recording electronic documents.

Senate Bill 236 primarily raises the fees for recording documents with parish clerks, but also requires each parish court clerk and the Orleans Parish register of conveyances or its successor and the Orleans Parish recorder of mortgages or its successor, to adopt and implement a plan for electronic recording of documents.

Read Senate Bill 236.
