AffectsAmends 5 ILCS 312/ Sections 2-102, 4-101, 6-104, 7-101, and 7-108.
AnalysisSenate Bill 3443 adds provisions related to the Secretary of State investigating and taking actions against the commissions of Notaries for allegations of official misconduct. The legislation adds that a Notary commission may be revoked if the Notary committed any misdemeanor, and specifically includes those offenses related to theft, deception, robbery, burglary, damage and trespass to property, interference with public officers and judicial procedure, and official misconduct. The Secretary may investigate allegations of wrongdoing directly and must investigate written and signed complaints submitted to the Secretary by the public. The bill also imposes new requirements on Notaries who are the subjects of investigations and actions by the Secretary. It prohibits Notaries from performing notarizations while their commissions are suspended or revoked and requires them to comply with any term of suspension imposed for a violation. The bill also requires Notaries with revoked commissions to submit their Notary seals to the Secretary. The surety of a Notary also must inform the Secretary when a claim has been filed against the bond of a Notary, and whether any payment was made to a claimant. In all, Senate Bill 3443 will help the Secretary of State regulate Notaries more effectively.
Read Senate Bill 3443.