CA Senate Bill 1467


State: California
Signed: September 17, 2014

Effective: January 01, 2015
Chapter: 400


Senate Bill 1467 clarifies that the Notary commission required of persons who are registered as professional photocopiers must be maintained during the entire two-year registration term and requires the professional photocopier to provide an updated valid Notary commission to the county clerk if the prior commission expires before expiration of the two-year registration as a professional photocopier.


Amends Section 22454 of the Business and Professions Code.

  1. Requires a professional photocopier to maintain a valid notary commission during the entire period that the professional photocopier’s certificate of registration as a professional photocopier is effective.
  2. Requires a professional photocopier to notify the county clerk and provide an updated valid notary commission if the commission expires prior to the expiration of the certificate of registration as a professional photocopier.

Sections 22450-22463 of California Business and Professions Code regulates a class of professionals called professional photocopiers. A professional photocopier is any person who for compensation obtains or reproduces documents authorized to be produced under several California statutes, and includes the copying of medical records, documents containing personal information, and certain business records. A professional photocopier must register with the county clerk of the county in which the photocopier resides. Certain persons are exempted from the registration requirement, such as certified shorthand reporters, government employees, attorneys or their employees, agents or independent contractors and the Secretary of State, among others. Registration is for a two-year period and costs $175. A surety bond of $5,000 must also be obtained and filed with the county clerk, which is subsequently recorded by the county recorder. In lieu of the bond, $5,000 in cash may be deposited with the county clerk. A professional photocopier is responsible at all times for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of information obtained in the photocopying, transmitting and distributing of documents. At least one person involved in the management of a professional photocopier must have a valid Notary commission in California. Senate Bill 1467 clarifies that the Notary commission must be maintained during the entire two-year registration term and requires the professional photocopier to provide an updated valid Notary commission to the county clerk if the prior commission expires before expiration of the two-year registration as a professional photocopier.

Read Senate Bill 1467.
