OK Senate Bill 1267


State: Oklahoma
Signed: April 14, 2004

Effective: November 01, 2004
Chapter: 101


Oklahoma Senate Bill 1267 changes the office handling the filing requirements for a Notary commission. 


Amends Sections 2 and 5 of Title 49 and Section 36.3 of Title 54 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

  1. Changes the office for filing the Notary’s commission, oath of office, loyalty oath, bond, and sample signature and seal impression to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State now also approves the Notary bond.
  2. Raises the bond filing fee from $5 to $10.
  3. Clarifies that the $1,000 bond must be issued for the entire length of the Notary’s 4-year term.
  4. Removes the requirement to include in the Notary’s seal the Notary’s county of residence, or if a commuting nonresident, the county of employment.
  5. Transfers the duty of authenticating Notary commissions from county court clerks to the Secretary of State.

Oklahoma Senate Bill 1267 changes the office handling the filing requirements for a Notary commission. Notaries will now deal with the Secretary of State instead of the local court clerk.

To read Senate Bill 1267, click Download PDF, below.
