MI House Bill 4492


State: Michigan
Signed: October 20, 2011

Effective: January 01, 2012
Chapter: Public Act No. 208


House Bill 4492 enacts sentencing guidelines for various criminal acts including two specific Notary-related offenses, performing a notarial act while the commission is revoked, and violating the Michigan Notary Public Act in a transaction involving conveyance of interest in real property.

Amends Sections 55.301 and 55.309 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
  1. Sets a maximum statutory sentence of 5 years for a violation of MCL 55.301, performing a notarial act while the commission is revoked.
  2. Sets a maximum statutory sentence of 4 years for a violation of the Michigan Notary Public Act violation involving conveyance of interest in real property.

House Bill 4492 enacts sentencing guidelines for various criminal acts including two specific Notary-related offenses, performing a notarial act while the commission is revoked, and violating the Michigan Notary Public Act violation involving conveyance of interest in real property. The bill could only take effect if SB 252 became law.

Read House Bill 4492.
