Remote online notarizations (RONs) marry the convenience, speed, and efficiency of the digital world with the integrity and trustworthiness of centuries-old Notary practices and customs.
For many remote online Notaries, the first question is, “How do I get started?” To perform remote notarizations, you will need to choose a platform provider that will give you the tools you need. If you’re new to RON, you’re probably wondering how to find the RON platform that best suits your needs.
To get started, you will need to know if your state law requires Notaries to select a provider that has been approved by the commissioning official. To help with this, we provide a drop-down list by state with the names of approved platforms for your state. If your state does not require platforms to be approved, we will tell you that.
But approval by the commissioning official is the floor, not the ceiling. You must choose a company that is right for you. To help you with this, we will discuss some things all Notaries — in both “approval” and “non-approval” states — should consider when choosing a RON platform provider.
RON Platform Information by State
View RON platforms approved for use in each state. If a state does not require platforms to undergo an approval process, or if the state does not allow Notaries to perform remote notarization, that is noted.
Note: Some commissioning official websites show approved or listed platforms for both RON and in-person electronic notarization (IPEN) in the same list. IPEN platform providers have been removed from the listing below.
This information is current as of November 7, 2024.
Type your state below or select Show All States.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Lieutenant Governor’s website (although none are endorsed by the Lieutenant Governor): Astrean, BlueNotary, Clear Sign (Amrock, LLC - formerly Nexsys), Digital Delivery, Inc., DocVerify, eNotaryLog, Nexsys, Notarize, NotaryCam, NotaryHub, NotaryLive, OneNotary, Online Notary Center, OnlineNotary.us, Pactima, PandaDoc, Pavaso, ProNotary, Secured Signing, SIGNiX, Stavvy.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Secretary’s website (although none are endorsed by the Secretary of State): Bluenotary, Carvana, Cyberize It, LLC, Digital Delivery, Inc., DocuSign, DocVerify, E-Notary Seal, LLC, eNotaryLog.com, Epic River, First American Signpost, Nexsys Technologies, Notarial Signings, Notarize, Notarize Genie, NotaryCam, NotaryHub by Everything Legal, NotaryLive, OneNotary, OneSpan, Online Notary, Online Notary Center, OnlineNotary.Net, PandaDoc, Inc., Pavaso, Inc., Pro Notary, Qualia, Safedocs, Secured Signing, Signix, Simply Secure Sign, Stavvy, SYNRGO, Inc.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: DocVerify, Pavaso, SIGNiX, eNotaryLog, Amrock (Acquired Nexsys Technologies), Simplifile, Pactima, Proof (formerly Notarize), Blue Notary.
RON has been enacted but cannot yet be performed.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock, LLC, Black Knight Technologies, LLC, Blend Labs, Inc., Blue Notary LLC, Cyberize It, LLC, DocMagic, Inc., DocuSign, Inc., Epic River Healthcare, Inc., Notarize, Inc., NotaryCam, Inc., NotaryLive.com, Online Notary Center Inc., OnlineNotary, Inc., Pactima Inc., PandaDoc, Inc., Pavaso, Inc., Qualia Labs, Inc., Secured Signing Inc., SIGNiX, SIMPLIFILE LLC, Stavvy, Inc.
The Secretary of the State does not currently interpret their remote notarization statute as authorizing RON.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Black Knight, Inc., BlueNotary LLC, Cyberize It, Doc Magic, Epic River, NotaryCam, Inc., NotaryLive, Pactima’s RON, Pavaso, ProNotary, Qualia Labs, Inc., Secured Signing Inc., SIGNiX, Simply Secure Sign, Simplifile, Stavvy, Inc., USA Notary Services LLC.
District of Columbia
RON has been enacted but cannot yet be performed.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Department of State's website (Note: Only providers that have a current self-certification on file with the Department as required by Florida law on the date noted above are listed.): Amrock, LLC/Clear Sign, Blend Signing Room, Caffeine Code Inc. - Paper Tracker, Cyberize It, LLC a/k/a Cyberizite.com, DocMagic, Inc., DocVerify, Expedite, IdenTrust, First American Vacation Ownership Signpost, JustNotarized Inc., NotaryHub.com by EverythingLegal, NOTARY.IO, Notary Geek, One Span North America Inc., OnlineNotary.us, Online Notary Center, Pavaso, ProNotary, Proof.com, Team K5 Permits & Consulting LLC, Simplifile, LC, Stavvy, Inc.
RON not yet enacted into law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock, LLC, Black Knight Technologies LLC, Blend Labs, Inc., Blue Notary, LLC, Cyberize It LLC, Everything Legal LLC DBA Notary Hub, Kys-Tech, Inc., Notarycam, Inc., Onlinenotary, Inc., Pavaso (Guardian Consumer Services, Inc.), Secured Signing Inc., Signix Inc., Simplifile, LC, Stavvy, Inc.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Proof (formerly Notarize), NotaryCam, Pavaso.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock Clear Sign, Blend Signing Room, Blue Notary, CyberizeIt, DocMagic Total eClose, DocuSign Notary, DocVerify, eNotaryLog, LenderClose, Notary @EpicRiver, Notary Hub, NotaryLive, OneSpan Notary, Pactima, PandaDoc, Pavaso, Proof (formerly Notarize), SIGNiX, Simplifile eSign Events, Stavvy
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock LLC. Black Knight, Inc.. DocVerify. Blend Labs, Inc.. Bluenotary.us, Cyberize It, LLC, Digital Delivery, Inc., DocMagic, Inc., eNotaryLog LLC, eNotary On Call Inc., Epicriver.com/remoteonline-notary-live, Everything Legal, LLC DBA NotaryHub.com, Evolve Mortgage Services LLC, Guardian Consumer Services, Inc. (dba Pavaso, Inc.), Notarize Genie, Inc., Proof, Inc. (formerly Notarize, Inc.), NotaryCam, Inc., Notarylive, OneNotary, Inc, OneSpan North America Inc., Pactima Inc., PandaDoc, Inc Qualia Labs, Secured Signing Inc., SIGNiX Simplifile LC, Stavvy Inc.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: NotaryCam, Inc., DocVerify, Inc., Notarize Inc. (Proof), Guardian Consumer Services, dba PAVASO, INC., Nexsys Technologies LLC/Clear Sign, Digital Delivery, Inc., eNotaryLog, LLC, SIGNiX, Inc., E-Notary Seal, LLC, LiveNotary, LLC, DocuSign, Inc - Notary, Stavvy, Inc., Notary@EpicRiver, Cyberize It, LLC, Secured Signing, Blend Labs, Inc., Amrock, LLC/Nexsys Clear Sign, Simplifile LC, Blue Notary LLC, Qualia Labs, Inc., Online Notary Center, DocMagic, Inc., Pactima, Inc.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Secretary of State’s website: CyberizeIT, Pavaso, Stavvy, DocVerify, PandaDoc, SIGNiX, Smart eNotay, eSign Events, Nexsys Clear Sign, OnlineNotary, Inc., DocMagic Total eClose, OneSpan Notary, NotaryCam, Inc., Pactima eNotary, BlueNotary.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved (the Secretary of State does not endorse any provider): Amrock, LLC, Black Knight Origination Technologies, LLC (DocVerify), Blue Notary LLC, Cyberize It, LLC, eNotaryLog, LLC, Evolve Mortgage Services, LLC, Guardian Consumer Services (Pavaso), Pactima Inc., Signix, Inc., Simplifile LC, Stavvy, Inc.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved (the Secretary of State does not endorse any provider): Amrock, LLC, Blend Labs, Inc., Cyberize It, LLC, CYBERSYGN, Digital Delivery, Inc., DocMagic, Inc., DocuSign, E-Notary Seal, LLC, eNotaryLog, LLC, Epic River Healthcare, Inc., Expedite (formerly known as DocVerify), GoCertificates.com, Inc., KYS-Tech, Inc., NotaryCam, NotaryHub by EverythingLegal, NotaryLive, OneSpan North America, Inc., Online Notary Center, OnlineNotary Inc., Pactima, Inc., PandaDoc, Inc., Pavaso, POPi/o Mobile Video Cloud, LLC, Pro Notary, LLC, Proof (formerly Notarize), Qualia Labs, Inc., Secured Signing, Inc., SIGNiX, Simplifile, LC, Simply Sign LLC, Stavvy, Inc.
RON has been enacted but cannot yet be performed.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock, BlueNotary, Cyberize It, LLC, Digital Delivery, Inc. DocMagic, Docusign, eNotaryLog, Expedite (formerly DocVerify), NotaryCam, Notaryhub, OneSpan North America, Inc., Pactima, Inc., PandaDocs, Pavaso, Proof (formerly Notarize), Qualia Labs, Inc., Secured Signing, Inc., Signix, Simplifile, SimplySecureSign, Smart eNotary (formerly Stavvy, Inc.).
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Secretary of State’s website: BlueNotary, DigitalDelivery Inc., DocuSign, DocVerify, ENotaryLog, Epic River, Nexsys, Notarize, Notarize Genie, NotaryCam, NotaryFix, NotaryLive, OneNotary, OnlineNotary.us, PandaDoc Notary, Pavaso, POPi/o, Pro Notary, Qualia Labs, Inc., Secured Signing, SIGNIX, Simplifile, Stavvy, Inc., World Wide Notary.
RON not yet enacted into law.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: NotaryCam, eNotaryLog, LLC, Digital Delivery, Inc., OnlineNotary.us, Nexsys Technologies, Black Knight Origination Technologies, LLC (DocVerify), Guardian Consumer Services dba Pavaso, SIGNiX, Inc., Secured Signing Inc., Simply Sign, LLC, LiveNotary, LLC, NotaryLive.com, Stavvy, Inc., Epic River Healthcare, Inc., Notarize Inc. dba Proof.com, KYS-Tech Inc, Blend Labs, Inc., E-Notary Seal, LLC, Simplifile, LC, DocuSign, Inc., PandaDoc, Inc., BlueNotary, Qualia Labs, Inc., Everything Legal LLC, Pactima Inc., OneSpan North America, Inc., DocMagic Inc., Online Notary Center.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock, Aven, Blend Labs, Inc., BlueNotary, Cyberize It!, Digital Delivery, DocuSign, Figure Technologies, Ice [Black Knight, DocVerify Simplifile] NotaryCam, NotaryLive, Notary@EpicRiver, OnlineNotary.us, Pactima, Pavaso, Proof, Qualia, KYS TECHNOLOGIES (SafeDocs), Secured Signing, SIGNiX, Stavvy.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Blend Labs, Inc., Blue Notary LLC, Cyberize It, LLC, Digital Delivery, Inc., DocVerify, Inc, E-Notary Seal, LLC, Eltropy, Inc., eNotaryLog, LLC, Epic River Healthcare, Inc., Everything Legal, LLC, Guardian Consumer Services, INC DBA PAVASO, Nexsys Technologies LLC, Online Notary Center, Inc., Pacitma Inc., Proof Platform, SIGNiX, Simplifile, Stavvy, Inc.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Digital Delivery, Inc., Clear Sign, docVerify, Proof (formerly Notarize Inc.), eNotary Log, NotaryCam, Pavaso, Online Notary Center, Inc. Stavvy, First American Title Insurance Company, SYNRGO, LiveNotary, LLC, MetLife Legal Plans, Inc., Blend, SIGNiX, Inc., Figure Technologies, Inc., Cyberize It, LLC, Qualia Labs, Inc., Simplifile LC, DocMagic, Inc., E-Notary Seal, BlueNotary, Pactima, NotaryHub by Everything Legal, PandaDoc, Inc.
New Hampshire
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
New Jersey
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
New Mexico
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock, Black Knight Originations Technology/Product DocVerify, BlueNotary, Cyberize It, E-Notary Seal, NotaryCam, Notary Hub by Everything Legal, Notarylive.com, OneSpan, Online Notary Center, Online Notary, PandaDoc, Inc., Pavaso (Guardian Consumer Services, Inc), Qualia, SecuredSigning, SIGNiX, Secured Signing, Simplifile eSign, Stavvy.
New York
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
North Carolina
RON has been enacted but cannot yet be performed.
North Dakota
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Secretary of State’s website: BlueNotary, Cyberize It, LLC, docVerify, LenderClose, NotaryCam, OneNotary.US, OneSpan Notary, Online Notary Center, Inc., OnlineNotary.us, Pavaso, ProNotary LLC, Proof, Secured Signing Inc., SIGNiX, Stavvy, Inc.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Secretary of State’s website: BlueNotary, DocuSign, DocVerify, KYS Notary, NotariesOnDemand, NotaryCam, NotaryHub.com by Everything Legal, NotaryLive, OneSpan Notary, OneNotary.us, OnlineNotary.us, Online Notary Center, INC, PandaDoc, Pro Notary, Secured Signing, SIGNiX, SmarteNotary.com.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Blend Labs, Inc., Blue Notary, Cyberize It, LLC, Digital Delivery, Inc., e-Notary Seal, LLC, Expedite (formerly known as DocVerify), DocuSign, Inc., eNotaryLog, LLC, GoCertificates.com, Inc., ICE Mortgage Technology f/k/a Simplifile, KYS-Tech, Nexsys Clear Sign, Notary Hub, Notary@EpicRiver, NotaryCam, OneNotary.US, OnlineNotary.us, Pactima Inc., PandaDoc (formerly LiveNotary), Pavaso, POPi/o, Proof (formerly Notarize), Qualia Labs, Inc., Safedocs Inc., Secured Signing Inc., SIGNiX, SimplySecureSign, Stavvy, Inc.
Rhode Island
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Expedite, Pavaso (Guardian Consumer Services) , NotaryCam, Inc., SIGNiX Inc., Digital Delivery, Inc., OnlineNotary.us, OneNotary.US, Simply Secure E-Sign, Notary @EpicRiver, Stavvy (Stavros Tehcnologies, Inc.), Cyberize It, LLC, Clear Sign (Amrock, LLC), DocMagic, OneSpan, Blue Notary, Pactima.
South Carolina
RON not yet enacted into law.
South Dakota
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Blend Labs, Blue Notary, Cyberize, DocVerify, eNotaryLog, E-Notary Seal, First American SignPost, Nexsys, Notarize Genie, NotaryCam, NotaryHub by Everything Legal, Notary @Epic River, OnlineNotary.us, Online Notary Center, Pactima, PandaDoc, Pavaso, POPi/o, Qualia, SIGNiX, Secured Signing, Simplifile, SimplySecure Sign, Stavvy.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
West Virginia
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, but the following providers are listed on the Secretary of State’s website (the Secretary does not endorse any of the following platforms): DocuSign, DocVerify, World Wide Notary, Simply Secure Sign, Notarize, Epic River, OneNotary, eNotaryLog, Nationwide Title Clearing, Clear Sign, OnlineNotary.us, LiveNotary.com, Secured Signing, Stavvy.com, OneSpan North America Inc., Simplifile, Pavaso, POPi/o, NotaryLive.
Notaries must only use RON platforms approved by the state. The following RON platforms are approved: Amrock, Blend, Blue Notary, Cyberizeit.com, Digital Delivery, DocMagic, DocuSign, DocVerify, eNotaryLog, Epic River Healthcare, Ink'd Signing (Simply Secure Sign), Notarize Genie Inc., Notary Hub by Everything Legal, NotaryCam, OneNotary.US, OneSpan, Online Notary Center, OnlineNotary.us, Pactima, PandaDoc, Pavaso, PoPi/o Mobile, Proof (formerly Notarize), Qualia, Secured Signing,SIGNiX, Simplifile, Stavvy.
RON platform providers are not required to undergo an approval process, so a Notary must ensure any technology platform they use complies with state law.
How to Choose a Remote Online Notarization Platform
- Platform type: You will need to consider the type of platform to select. Some allow Notaries to bring their customers onto the platform and some do not. Some bring the customer to the Notary. Some platforms only serve the real estate industry, corporate customers, or are owned by title insurance companies. Will you be bringing customers onto the platform or relying on the platform to bring customers to you? Do you want both options? Are you only performing RONs on mortgage transactions?
- Minimum hardware requirements: Each platform will have different computer system requirements. Make sure your computer meets these system requirements. For example, there may be minimum resolution for the camera on your laptop or desktop and recommended Internet speed. If you plan on using an iPad or Android tablet, does the platform work on tablets and does your tablet meet any minimum system requirements?
- Sign up and onboarding: How does the platform register and onboard Notaries onto their platform? What must you do? Are there any costs to sign up?
- Training and support: Does the platform provide training when you are getting started and a help line or chat when you get stuck? Consider only platforms that have these resources. And make sure that any technical support a platform offers is available when you need it (for example, you are on the West Coast and the platform is on the East Coast).
- Pricing: Most systems will require a fee to use the system. If the platform collects the fee for the notarization from the customer and then pays you a portion of the fee, or charges a per-transaction fee, what is your cut? If the platform requires a subscription, does your anticipated business from RON justify the cost? The “build it and they will come” philosophy rarely works. Make sure you have business today to justify the ongoing subscription. You can always subscribe later when you have business to justify the cost.
- Digital certificate: Some platforms require you to use a digital certificate that they provide to you or that you must buy from them when you sign up. Others allow you to purchase your own digital certificate and bring it onto the platform. If a platform you are considering requires you to use their digital certificate, it is more than likely you won’t be able to use that digital certificate on other platforms. The NNA recommends that you choose a platform that allows you to use your own digital certificate. Why? It’s expensive to purchase a digital certificate for each platform you use, and you may find yourself using more than one.
- Control of notarial records: Who — the platform or you — maintains control over the journal entries and recordings of the RONs you perform? Your state law may address this, but if it does not, the NNA believes the Notary should decide who inspects or receives a copy of a journal entry or recording because you are the notarial officer who created the records. You are the gatekeeper of your notarial records, not the platform.
- Storage of notarial records: Here are some questions you should ask related to the storage of your notarial records. Does the provider provide long-term storage of journal entries and recordings of RONs themselves, or do they farm it out to a “repository” or “depository?” For how long do they retain notarial records? How easy is it to download all notarial records if you want to archive them yourself? The answers to these questions could have implications later if you or your guardian or representative must access a notarial record after you are no longer a Notary or have passed on.
- Anti-fraud capabilities: There are always risks in performing notarial acts when the signer is not physically in front of you. Reputable platforms should use technologies to counter any known threats, like spotting impostors and deepfakes. Ask the platform provider to explain the technologies they use and how they work within their platform.
- Platform upgrades: You should inquire how frequently the provider issues platform service patches, security updates, and feature upgrades. Ask for the URL of the page on the provider’s website showing release history and notes. A platform that hasn’t been updated recently may indicate how committed the provider is to the future of the platform. For example, a provider that upgrades the platform with “liveness detection” to spot deepfakes or other fraud-spotting capabilities demonstrates the provider is serious about their product.
- Notary knowledge: You want to choose a company that knows Notaries and notarization. Pepper the provider with questions about Notary law and practice. For example, ask the provider to explain the information you can or must record in the journal. The NNA has seen platform demonstrations where the providers required Notaries to enter full ID card serial numbers. There are several states that prohibit this, and these providers didn’t know this was prohibited. But they should have known. The best platforms should know that journal entry requirements vary by state and have designed their journal to comply with the law.
- Complaints: It is always wise to check the Better Business Bureau and, if your state requires platforms to be approved, you will want to ask your commissioning official if the platform you are considering has had any complaints filed against them.
- Ask who’s using it: You should ask other Notaries you know which platforms they use and why. Also reach out to Notaries on social media for their thoughts. There’s collective knowledge and wisdom out there for the asking and most Notaries will want to help. Select a platform that other Notaries recommend.
- Kick the tires: Ask the provider to give you a demo of the platform so that you can see the system for yourself. Also, ask for a trial account so that after the demo, you can poke around and investigate the system yourself. You wouldn’t think of buying a car sight unseen. The same is true with RON platforms.
- Give it a whirl: Perform enough transactions on your chosen platform to assess whether it will meet your long-term needs. If the platform offers subscription pricing, pay month to month until you know it is the right system for you. Then, if the system offers a yearly subscription at a lower per-month rate, you can sign up for that.